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"how u get in here?" I asked

"the door was wide open , so I decided to come steal u" he smirked.

"no thanks" was all I said

"cmon mamas, fuck u gonna do here all alone?"

"bitch live, that's what" I started eating again while he watched.

"then I'm finna sleep here tonight" he said sitting down next to me

"TJ would beat ur ass" i said with a mouth full of salad

"mamas he not coming back till tomorrow , I wouldn't worry" he said

"u hungry?" I asked , ion know why though , it ain't like I care if this nigga hungry or not.

"I already ate mamas"

"With ur hoes?" I said rolling my eyes.

"Ian got none"

"that's some bullshit , u got plenty , go bother one of them" I'm irritating as fuck , but it's okay. I could tell he was hesitating a lil bit.

"I'll drop all of them , if it means I getcho fine ass" I choked. Not actually but mentally , however that works.

"I don't even know you like that"

"Ight then get to know me , let's play that 21 questions game or some shit" he said

"21 questions? U deadass? We not in 7th grade"

"We are for this , I'll go first. What's ur favorite color" he asked

"Red , how many girlfriends have u had?" Ya girl went straight the interesting part.

"2 ," he answered

"That's some bullshit , mar" I said getting up and putting my plate in the sink.

"Nah it ain't , sure I got lots a girls tryna get with me , but they all hoes , riding everyone dick"

"So why u want me then?" I asked

"U different? Ian seen u wit no one else nd' i know u haven't kissed no one but me since u been here" stalker.

"How would u know"

"I got sources mamas" he said getting up n wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Mmm , nah u just a stalker" I said , not moving because , well I would be dumb if I did.

"U a virgin?" He asked.

"Yes" I hesitated , Ion tell people that n ion know why I told Marius.

My answer made him smile n god that smile gives me fucking butterflies in my stomach.

"I'm guessing ur not" I said looking away from his eyes.

"Ian mamas" he frowned.

"Ima go shower" I said getting out of his hold.

"I'm coming with u" he said cheesin.

"Nah u not"

"U pinky promised"



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