18 ~ 💔

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i could feel my eyes tearing up as i walked in the bedroom n locked the door behind me.

i heard marius callin out my name n saying other shit i didn't give a fuck about.

i pulled out my phone while my mfn eyes was a waterfall at this point.

i called tye instead of texting him cus i couldn't see.

"aye kenz wassup?" he said

"i needa leave" i said barely

"leave? nigga the fuck is you talkin about?"

"marius slept wit giselle n ionno who else to call cus errybody asleep , can you please take me home or somewhere" i said sobbing

"where u at" he asked

"my room"

"i'll be there in five" i hung up n just sobbed like a lil bitch.

i couldn't hear marius knocking no more so i got up n opened the door a lil , no one was there.

i got all my clothes ready n by now my eyes was red n puffy.

i heard a knock at the door , i alrdy knew it was tye.

i opened the door n he pulled me ina hug.

"dam u wasn't lying huh" i shook my head even tho he couldn't see

"ima get u out of here ok kenz" he got all my stuff n we went downstairs to his car.

he ain't say a word n i js cried.

"you mine got it? and i'm yours"

those words kept repeating in my head , who fucking knew that was the last time i got to be with him.

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