Austin Mahone fanfic part 9

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*sorry it's been so long, had some parties these past few weeks, so I was busy*



Austin you and Luke talk until you get to his house. Austin randomly starts kissing your cheeks. All you can think is 'ilovehim.' & 'gosh, he's perfect'. You get to Austin's house. He gives you and Luke a tour of the house with you on his back. He's shown you every room then sets you down at the last door.

Austin- 'and this.. Is my room.'

He looks at you. AUSTIN MAHONES ROOM! This is where it all started. You feel like you shouldn't even be aloud in this room. It's like mahomie sacred ground! He puts his arm around your waist and walks in with Luke and you.

Luke- 'wow, it's cool seeing this place in person for a change..'

Austin- 'you watch my videos??'

Luke- 'well that's all (YN) ever does so I join sometimes.. She lives the life of a true fangirl..'


Austin- 'your so cute when you blush babe.' Yep. IM BLUSHING.

You give him a half smile.

Austin- 'So we have a guest room for Luke and (YN) you can sleep by me or Luke. Sorry, it was just kinda short notice...'

You- 'no, it's cool, thanks for letting us stay with you.'

Austin- 'well of course. If I didn't then we wouldn't get to spend as much time together now would we?' you shake your head. He pulls you close by the waist and gently kisses your lips.

Luke- 'well I'm gonna go freshen up if that's aright..'

Austin- 'yeah sure dude'

You- 'yeah I think I will too, I'll see you later Austin' you kiss him and walk out with Luke and as soon as he closes the door you punch him in the arm really hard.

Luke- 'damn. What was that for?!'

You- 'she lives the fangirl life?! What the hell Luke!?'

Luke- 'you need to relax, he found it 100% adorable, he even blushed. So you should be thanking me.'

You- 'he did??' you thought for sure Austin had thought you were some annoying Mahomie... But he blushed.. Awwee! What a cutieee!

Luke nods and you both go freshen up. Then you go back to Austin. Luke lived in Texas before Michigan and kept in touch with all his friends there so Dave dropped him to one of there houses to hangout.

You and Austin were cuddling on his bed. His random kisses made you so happy, and he probably thought they were nothing at all..

Austin- 'so..'

You- 'Soo...'

Austin- 'wanna spend the night in my room??(;'

You- 'Austin If I do..' he eyed you.. 'just dont expect anything..(;'

Austin- 'pshhhh... Girl.. Puuhhleasse.. Your such a dirty mind.. I just wanted to cuddle..' he pauses them mumbles 'without clothes..(;' almost to quiet for you to hear. You start laughing and he starts kissing your neck as if he said nothing. His hands are on your hips. Without you even expecting it he starts tickling you.

You- 'AHHHH!! AUSTIN STOPPPP!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! OMFG PLEASEEEE! AUSTIN I CANT BREATHE!!!!' you start kicking by reflex and he stops.

Austin's mom calls you and Austin to dinner and you guys have spaghetti. Well.. Austin has spaghetti, you didn't really feel comfortable eating in front of him do you just had a breadstick and said you were full, honestly, you were starving. You waited for Austin to finish and went back to his room with him.

Austin- 'why didn't you eat anything? Was it not good? Do you want me to go get something else real quick?'

You- 'haha, no, Austin I'm fine. It was really good it's just..'

Austin- 'it's just what?'

You- 'nothing... I just.. Wasn't hungry tonight..'

Austin- 'your sure that's all?' you nod your head. He doesn't seem convinced AT ALL but he let's it slide. You fall asleep in Austin's arms. You feel Austin slip away about an hour later but pretend to still sleep. Luke just got home.

Austin- 'hey man can I ask you something?'

Luke- 'sure bro what's up?'

Austin- 'well tonight.. At dinner.. (YN).. She didn't really eat, and you've known her forever. Does she usually do that? I don't know if I should be worried or not..'

That's where you start listening up.

Luke- 'well.. You see.. I didn't really think she would eat tonight, that's why I made sure she ate before we came here. Lets just say she's self conscious...'

Austin- 'why wouldn't she eat? Why would she be self conscious? He's body is AMAZING! Wait, what do you mean "let's just say.." Luke I need details!'

Luke- 'Austin (YN) is anorexic.'

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