Chapter 9: Ice Blocked!

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Real World!
   "How do we get out of here?" Candace asked. "Still don't know." Dale replied and his wife sighed. Alison was looking in the closet. She noticed that the wall in the closet, one area of it looked different. She knocked on it, and smirked when she realized that it was hollow. She took that part of the wall off and sat it down. Inside the wall, was a box. She opened it and saw journal. She picked up the journal and held it as she walked out of the closet. "Found something." Alison told them as she put the box down and opened the journal. "What is that?" Daisy asked as she put the picture of the guy that sat on her desk back down. "It a journal." Alison replied as she flipped through the pages. "Just a journal? Seriously?" Candace asked and Alison shook her head as she starred at it intently. "No, no. It has notes. Notes about all us." Alison replied. They all gathered around and peered over her shoulders. Alison flipped through and they all gasped. It has personal notes and pictures of them. "She's obsessed with us. All of us." Francine commented. "What does this mean?" Hector asked. "It means that she could be capable of doing anything with us." Jason replied and they all sighed.
      Harry, also known as Heath Burns, walked into the Sheriff's station. Lynda sighed as she looked through the files on her desk. "I know that you want answers about Alison, and I'll get them. You'll just have to be patient like every other monster." Lynda told him and looked back down at her desk. "I found something at her apartment." Harry told her. Lynda looked up and starred at him. "Show me." Lynda told him. Harry took a deep breathe and took out a picture from his pocket and handed it to her. Lynda accepted it and examined the picture. "I have a bad feeling." Harry commented. "It's just a picture of Ali." Lynda told him. "Yeah, Ali loves to take pictures and she hates people taking pictures of her. This kind of film, ita very rare and Ali uses it in her camera, but she doesn't let anyone touches her camera." Harry explained. "What are you saying?" Lynda asked. "I think she was being stalked, maybe they all were." Harry replied and Lynda nodded. "I'll look into it." Lynda told him as she put the photo down. "Look on the back." Harry told her. Lynda picked the photo up and turned it around. Don't tell anyone. "What does this mean?" Lynda asked. "It means that this villain is sneaky and didn't want any of them to tell anyone that they were being stalked." Harry replied. "I'll get the deputy and we will examine the houses of the victims." Lynda told him and he nodded.

      Amara walked outside and saw Draculaura and Dracula hugging. Then Dracula got into the car and drove away as Draculaura watched him leave. Amara sighed and walked back inside. She slowly closed the door and put her back against it as she closed her eyes. She has to stop Ron, before he goes there expecting to see an ancient vampire and getting caught by the ancient vampires daughter and son in law. As far as she knew, Ron was still asleep. She slowly walked up the stairs and to his room. She opened the door slightly and saw Ron fast asleep on his bed. She walked inside and grabbed his keys from his nightstand and put them in her pocket. She closed the door and walked back downstairs. She walked out the door and locked it from the outside. She sighed as she got into her car and drove away.
      Amara parked the car and got out. She had driven most of the day until she reached the Himalayas. In front of her was the biggest snow and blizzard she has ever seen. It was freezing and she buttoned her jacket closed. She put the hood over her head and walked onto the snow patches. She made her way through the Himalayan, not finding anything but now. She finally stopped when she saw an ice palace in front of her. She walked up to it and knocked on the ice door, feeling its cold touches. A snow monster opened the door and Amara smiled. She recognized him. It was the famous Yeti, Abbey's father. "Mr. Yeti, nice to meet you. I'm looking for Abbey." Amara told him. "In room." Yeti told her and she nodded. He let her in and she walked up the ice stairs, holding onto the railing so she won't slip. She looked at the ice door until she found one that had Abbey carved into it. She knocked on the door and Abbey answered it, looking confused. "Who are you?" Abbey asked and Amara smiled.

Real World!
     Lynda and Martin, also known as Manny Tour, had searched all the victims houses, and were now searching Daisy's. They had found a picture of all of them with the same film, and the same message on the back. "Candace's picture was in her phone case." Martin commented. "And?" Lynda asked. "Maybe Daisy did the same, or something similar. That way the husbands won't find out." Martin replied and Lynda nodded. "That is as good as any guess." Lynda agreed. She grabbed Daisy's phone and took off the case as something fell out. She picked it up and sighed when she saw the picture of Daisy. She looked up and met Martin's eyes. "Found it." Lynda told him as she showed it to him and he shook his head.
     They got back to the station and Lynda went into her office with Martin following. She spread the pictures on her desk and examined them. "Get Harry on the phone." Lynda told him. Martin walked to his desk and grabbed his work phone as he dialled the number. "Harry here." Harry greeted. "He's on the line!" Martin called. Lynda picked up the phone that sat on her desk and put it up to her ear as Martin hung up the phone on his desk. "Harry, it's Lynda." Lynda told him. "What's up?" Harry asked. "We found a picture of each victim at their houses, hidden so they wouldn't be found." Lynda told him. "So they were being stalked?" Harry asked. "Looks like it." Lynda replied and Harry sighed. "This is unbelievable." Harry commented. "Is Alison's camera missing?" Lynda asked. "She didn't say anything to me. Why wouldn't she say something?" Harry asked. "My guess is that Alison was the first to get her picture." Lynda replied. "You think this is centered around her?" Harry asked. "No, I believe that this is centered around all of them. Ali got her picture first, that way she can take the canera and make sure Ali shuts up about it." Lynda replied. "Who wants to stalk them and how has no one seen them?" Harry asked and Lynda sighed. "I don't know, but I'll figure it out." Lynda replied and she hung up as she looked through the files she has on her desk.

     "Who are you?" Abbey asked. "I'm Amara, and I think I'm a bit lost." Amara replied. "How you get lost all the way over here?" Abbey asked. "I was adventuring and I can't remember which way I came." Amara replied. "Come in." Abbey told her. Amara smiled and walked inside the bv bedroom as Abbey closed the door behind her. "Nice room. A bit cold." Amara commented. "I like it that way." Abbey told her and she laughed. "Figures." Amara agreed. "It getting late, you want to sleep here for the night?" Abbey asked and Amara turned to face her. "I could." Amara agreed as she nodded. "I do not want you to freeze to death." Abbey told her. "As long as I warm up, I should be good." Amara told her. "Good, guest room is across hall." Abbey told her. "Thanks." Amara commented. "No problem." Abbey commented. Amara looked over and saw a camera sitting on her nightstand. "Nice camera." Amara commented. "Thanks." Abbey commented. "May I see it?" Amara asked. "No." Abbey replied. "Okay." Amara agreed. "Sorry, I just protective of my camera." Abbey apologized and Amara shook her head. "No worries." Amara reassured. Abbey walked out with Amara following and led her across the hall.
   Amara had spent an hour in the room and the clock read 10:00. She heard a knock and looked up as Abbey walked in. "Need anything?" Abbey asked. "No, I'm good. Thanks." Amara replied. "I'm right down hall." Abbey told her and Amara nodded. "I'll remember that." Amara told her. Abbey nodded with a smile. She closed the door and Amara sighed as she laid down with several heavy blankets on her, several pillows, and her jacket that she brought. She had a few plans that she came here for, but she needed to wait for Abbey and Yeti to go to sleep.

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