Chapter 11: Blizzard!

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Real World!
     Daisy noticed something particularly odd. She walked to the window and looked out of it. It was snowing. "It's summer, why is it snowing?" Daisy asked. Francine walked up behind her and looked through it as well. "I don't understand how this is happening." Francine replied. "Me." Alison told them. "What?" Francine asked as they turned to face her. "I'm happening. This snow is coming from me." Alison replied. "But why?" Dale asked. "I usually have my powers controlled, but I can't do trol them right now." Alison replied. "I can't control mine either, I tried turning into a bat earlier and I failed." Daisy added. Tamara tried to walk into a shadow, but walked into the wall instead. Jason walked up to her and held her hand. "This doesn't make any sense." Candace commented. "Did she do something to us?" Tamara asked. "I think we would have noticed if she took our magic or made our magic go out of control." Hector replied. "Unless it was something she did when we were unconscious." Daisy suggested. "That way we couldn't use our magic against her." Dale agreed with a sigh. "What now?" Jason asked. There was a moment of silence as they all looked around. "We escape." Alison replied as a plan formed in her mind.
      Lynda stood outside of the station. Martin walked out and joined her. "Why is it snowing in the summer?" Martin asked. "I don't know, it's summer. This villain must be powerful." Lynda replied. "Another ice monster?" Martin asked and Lynda shook her head. "Not exactly. Not just ice monsters can control ice or snow. It could be a witch who can control the elements, but I hope not." Lynda replied. "And I'm guessing by your expressio, that's bad." Martin commented. "Terrible. Witches are powerful, especially the ones chosen to wield the elements. Witches are only chosen for that when they have great potential at being truly powerful with a good heart, but sometimes they can't handle it and turn evil. Their heart becomes dark, but they still wield the elements, but instead they wield it for evil and not good." Lynda explained. "I'm sure it's not a witch turned evil." Martin told her and she nodded. "Let's hope." Lynda agreed.

      Amara unlocked the door to her house and walked in. She saw Ron standing there and sighed as she closed the door. "You're probably upset with me right now." Amara commented. "Upset doesn't begin to describe how I feel." Ron told her and she nodded. "I know." Amara agreed. "No, you really don't. Wht would you even think of doing that?" Ron asked. "Because I couldn't let you try and hurt my friends, but there was something I needed to do." Amara replied. "Something that lasts all night?" Ron asked and she nodded. "Yes." Amara replied. "And what might that be?" Ron asked and Amara sighed. She has never hidden anything from him nor has she ever lied to him, but she knows that she can't tell him what she's truly been up to. "I can't tell you." Amara replied and Ron sighed. "I see." Ron commented. "I am so sorry." Amara apologized in tears. "No, I don't think you are." Ron told her. He walked past her and opened the front door. Amara turned to face him, with his back towards her. "Where are you going?" Amara asked. Ron didn't look at her. "Home." Ron replied. He walked out and left Amara crying.
     Draculaura finished baking some fudge. "That smells good." Clawd told her and she smiled. "I'm glad, Lagoona has been teaching me how to cook and bake properly." Draculaura replied. "Maybe you could starr baking more." Clawd suggested and Draculaura smiled. "I would like that." Draculaura agreed. He watched as she put them in a box and sealed them up. "Who are those for?" Clawd asked. "Amara, but there are a batch in the oven for us." Amara replied. "I'll keep an eye on them while you're over there." Clawd told her. "Okay." Draculaura agreed as sve grabbed the box and walked out. She walked to the next house and knocked. She waited a little and knocked again. She knows that Amara is here, she saw her walking inside just an hour before. She knocked again and the door creaked open. She opened it a little more and walked into the dark house, and the door slammed shut, making her jump.

Real World!
     Amara groaned in distress. The door that the monsters are in is still solid ice. "Get out! Now!" Amara exclaimed. "Never!" Candace yelled back. Amara didn't want to have to go through serious measures, but she realized that she has no choice. She ran down the stairs and down the stairs of her basement. She turned on the light and looked around. She hasn't been here since she was brought here. She hasn't come down here because she knows exactly what's here. The weapons that her brother found all those years ago. The weapons that can kill monsters. Different kinds of weapons can kill different kinds of monsters. She found a blaster, a magical weapon. It looked similar to a gun, but more mystical. She picked it up and examined it, she hoped she can use it to get to them without hurting any of them. Hurting them was never a part of her plan.
     Alison stared out the window as she tried to concentrate. Nothing. The blizzard happen on it own, I can not create ice." Alison told them and they sighed. Francine started thinking. None of them can control their powers right now, they're just happening out of the blue. But if they worked together.... They can actually control them as one. "Daisy, what was that thing you use to say? About friendship?" Francine asked. "Friendship is the strongest magic and friends are stronger together." Daisy replied. "That's right. She can take a lot from us. Our freedom, our powers. But she can't take our friendship." Francine told them. "What do you suggest?" Hector asked. "We work together." Francine replied and they nodded. "I have an idea." Tamara commented.

       Draculaura jumped at the door slamming shut, and she didn't do it. Her heart pounded furiously in her chest. The lights turned on and she spun around and saw Amara standing up. She was previously sitting in the corner, behind the door. That's how it slammed shut and the light switch was right next to her. Draculaura sighed in relief. "You scared me half to life!" Draculaura exclaimed. Amara sniffed and wiped her tears. "Sorry." Amara muttered. "What's wrong?" Draculaura asked as she put the box of fudge on a nearby table. "My brother and I just had a fight, and he went back to where we use to live." Amara replied. "Transylvania, right?" Draculaura asked. Amara looked up, about to question her, when she remembered that she told her that so she wouldn't know that she's a normie. "Yes." Amara replied and Draculaura nodded. "I'm sorry to hear that." Draculaura apologized and Amara tried to manage a smile. "It's not your fault." Amara told her. "You said he was all you had?" Draculaura asked and Amara nodded. "He is, he always had been." Amara replied. Draculaura walked up to Amara and hugged her as she cried on her shoulder.
     Draculaura and Amara had finished eating the fudge. "Feeling better?" Draculaura asked. "My hunger, yes. My brother, no." Amara replied. "I'm sure you guys will make up." Draculaura told her and she smiled. "Thanks." Amara commented. "You guys have fought before, haven't you?" Draculaura asked. "Yes, but never like this. This time was different." Amara replied. "You guys will make it through this, I believe in you." Draculaura told her and she smiled. "You're the best friend I've ever had." Amara told her and Draculaura grinned. "I'm glad." Draculaura commented.

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