Chapter 16: Weak!

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      Draculaura walked downstairs and Clawd smiled at her. "Hey." Clawd greeted. "Hi." Draculaura greeted. "I made breakfast." Clawd told her. Draculaura smiled as she delicious food on the table. "Thanks." Draculaura commented as she sat across from him. "Of course." Clawd muttered. She noticed how concerned he looked and gave him a reassuring smile as she reached her arm and placed her hand onto of his. "I'm okay." Draculaura told him. He grabbed a hold of her hand and squeezed it. "I love you." Clawd told her. "I love you too." Draculaura told him. They smiled at one another and began eating. There was a moment of silence and Clawd sighed, breaking the silence. "Look, about yesterday." Ckawd commented and Draculaura shook her head. "Don't, Clawd. It's okay." Draculaura told him and he smiled as she smiled back.
    Frankie woke up to her phone going off. She answered Cleo's call with a sigh. "Hello." Frankie greeted. "Come over!" Cleo exclaimed. "I'm not at home, but I'll try to get there as soon as I can." Frankie told her. "Where are you?" Cleo asked. Frankie looked down at her sleeping boyfriend and sighed. "Neighthon's." Frankie replied. "Hurry." Cleo told her and hung up. Frankie sighed as Neiththon sat up. "What's going on, honey?" Neighthon asked. "I have to go see Cleo." Frankie replied. "What's wrong?" Neighthon asked. "I don't know." Frankie replied with a sigh. She kissed his cheek and got up to get ready.

Real World!
      Kelly stopped outside the hotel with Victoria, also known as Vandalla Dabloom, by her side. "Kel, Gabriella will have to grieve on her own time." Victoria told her and she sighed. "But she's not grieving." Kelly told her. "It's not your job to help." Victoria commented. "Maybe not, but I want to. Besides, it is Ruby's job to help." Kelly commented. Kelly walked inside the hotel as Victoria sighed and followed her. "Hi, Gabriella." Kelly greeted. "Hi." Gabriella muttered. "She does seem kind of down." Victoria whispered abd Kelly nodded. "I know." Kelly agreed. Neighthon walked in and smiled at Gabriella. Neighthon has been worried about Francine ever since she was kidnapped, but he wants to take his mind off of it, knowing that he can't do anything, and he knows how concerned she was of Gabriella losing Willow, and he decided to look after her for Francine. "Hey, I brought you lunch." Neighthon told her as be put a bag on the counter. Gabriella looked up snd smiled. She opened the bag and smelled the food. "Thank you, it smells delicious." Gabriella told him and he smiled at her. "No problem. I'm running late, I'll see you later." Neighthon told her. She waved at him as he left.
      Kelly ran after Neighthon as Victoria followed. Kelly ran in front of him and he stopped walked. "What was that?" Kelly asked. "What was what?" Neighthon asked. "You know what I'm talking about." Kelly replied. "Kelly!" Victoria exclaimed. "I actually don't." Neighthon told her. "You have a girlfriend!" Kelly exclaimed. "Yeah, and I have no idea where she is or even if she's alive." Neighthon told her. "But she is still your girlfriend, isn't she?" Kelly asked. "Of course." Neighthon replied. "Then why are you flirting with Gabriella?" Kelly asked. "I'm not. Shes going through a lot, and I'm trying to be there for her, as a friend. Don't be so jealous." Neiththon told her and then walked away. Kelly felt horrified as her heart raced. She locked eyes with Victoria and then ran odd the opposite direction.

     Kiyomi was walking out of a coffee shop when Frankie bumped into her and she dropped her coffee on the ground. "I am so sorry!" Frankie apologized. "It's okay. Why are you in such a hurry?" Kiyomi asked. "I was at my boyfriend's and my car is at my house, but I have to get to Cleo." Frankie replied and Kiomi nodded. "Just be careful." Kiyomi warned and Frankie laughed. "Will do." Frankie agreed as Gigi walked up to them. "Hi, Frankie." Gigi greeted. "Hey, Gigi. I have to go." Frankie told her and ran off. "You know Frankie?" Gigi asked. "Um, yes. By association, that is. I'm a friend of Draculaura's." Kiyomi replied. "I don't remember ever seeing you." Gigi commented. "I live in the ghost world, I'm just here visiting a couple friends." Kiyomi told her. "Draculaura?" Gigi asked. "And Spectra, my oldest and dearest friend." Kiyomi replied. "I'm Gigi." Gigi greeted as she held her hand out. "I'm Kiyomi." Kiyomi greeted as she shook her hand. "Nice to meet you." Gigi commented. "You too." Kiyomi agreed. Gigi walked into the coffee shop as Kiyomi smiled.
    Kiyomi walked up to Spectra, who sat on a bench in the local park. "Hey." Kiyomi greeted. Spectra looked up and smiled. "Hi." Spectra greeted. Spectra starred at her for a moment with a small smile. Kiyomi looked over at her. "What?" Kiyomi asked. "The color of your face is pink." Spectra replied. "So? You know that my face changes color with my emotions." Kiyomi told her. "I know you, Kiyomi. You are my oldest friend and I know your emotions by now." Spectra told her and Kiyomi frowned. "What are you saying?" Kiyomi asked. "You like someone." Spectra replied and Kiyomi's eyes widened. "No! That's preposterous!" Kiyomi exclaimed. Then her face turned orange. "You're shy. So it's true!" Spectra eclaimed. "No!" Kiyomi exclaimed and Spectra laughed as Kiyomi sighed.

Real World!
    Lynda groaned in distress. She sighed as she put her hair in a ponytail with the hair tie she always keeps on her wrist. "How will that help?" Mr. Gold asked and Lynda rolled her eyes. "It helps me think." Lynda replied. Lynda looked around the room and decided to look in the closet. "And you think they hadn't tried it?" Mr. Gold asked. "Maybe they found something in here that helped them." Lynda replied. "I'm pretty sure they got out because of the ice girl." Mr. Gold commented. "How can they use their powers if we can't use ours?" Lynda asked. "Maybe they found something that helped." Mr. Gold replied and Lynda thought about it. "Maybe." Lynda agreed as she started searching.
     Daisy felt weak to her knees, she was in the back of the group. Daisy held onto a tree and bent over as she held her stomach with her other hand. Francine turned around, flipping her hair, and saw Daisy. They were almost to the town. Francine walked up to her and rubbed her back. "What's wrong, D?" Francine asked. "I feel sick." Daisy replied. "It is hot out and we've been traveling a while." Francine told her and Daisy shook her head. "No, this is different." Daisy told her. "Different how?" Francine asked. Daisy looked up at her friend. "I th- think. I think I'm pregnant." Daisy replied and Francine gasped.

Once Upon A Monster 6! Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang