Chapter 25: Unexpected Team Part 2!

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Real World!
     Daisy stepped away from the door and took a deep breathe. She waved her around around as a pink glow formed. She formed it into a ball and threw it at the door. It blast back as she ducked and it went through a window, shattering the glass. She sighed as she looked back at the door. She has to do this. She use to never like magic, because she saw what it did to her dad. But when the curse in Storybrooke broke and she became the savior, she finally had to learn to control her magic. But she has good magic, it's not the same as her father's evil magic. She's been practicing ever since the curse broke. She started late. But she's Immortal, she has all the time in the world to learn. Daisy is terrified. Terrified that she won't get back in time and will lose one of her best friends ever. Pink static came out of her hands. Sbe raised them as pink magic shot from her hands and exploded the door into a thousand little wooden shards. Daisy grinned as she ran out of the house.
     "Mr. Gold, how do you work the gem?" Amara asked. "I will show you. Follow me." Mr. Gold replied and she sighed. "Fine." Anara agreed. "But first." Mr. Gold added. He waved his hand and Amara looked like Draculaura. "I could have done that." Amara commented and Mr. Gold rolled his eyes as Amara followed him out. "Who do you want to zap first?" Mr. Gold asked. "I don't care. As long as Daisy is the last one." Amara replied and Mr. Gold nodded. "Alright." Mr. Gold agreed. Mr. Gold looked around and saw Jason. He sighed, knowing that since Jason is a normie, he doesn't have any abilities. Then he saw Hector, Jason's other half that got separated from him recently. He held the gem up and used his magic to start a spark in the gem. Static surrounded it and then a turquoise light flew to Hector. It only lasted a second and then it went away. Hector passed out, causing a lot of people to run over to him, including Jason and Tamara. Mr. Gold tossed it to Amara as she caught it. Amara smirked as she held it up and concentrated on Tamara as a turquoise light flew to her. Tamara soon passed out as well.

     Draculaura woke up to a pounding on the door and then a loud bang. She looked over and saw Clawd wasn't there. Clawd flew threw the door, breaking it as Draculaura jumped. She got up to check on Clawd when Dracula walked in. Draculaura looked up at him and glared. "What are you doing?" Draculaura asked. "I'm looking for something, and I think your wolf boyfriend stole it." Dracula replied and Draculaura stood up. "He wouldn't." Draculaura told him. "He's nothing but a low life werewolf, of course he would." Dracula commented and Draculaura sighed. "He is more then that. He's the love of my life." Draculaura told him and Dracula rolled his eyes. "I want my magic gem!" Dracula exclaimed. "Gem? You're looking for a gem?" Draculaura asked and Dracula nodded. "That's right." Dracula replied. "I would know if there was a gem in my house." Draculaura told him. "Would you?" Dracula asked. "Yes." Draculaura replied and he sighed. "Fine, I'll leave. But this isn't over." Dracula told her. Draculaura watched as he left.
     Clawd started waking up and Draculaura bent over to look at him. "D?" Clawd asked. "It's me, I'm here." Draculaura replied. She grabbed his hand and helped him up. "My body aches." Clawd commented and Draculaura sighed. "I'm sorry about my dad." Draculaura apologized. "Don't be, it wasn't your fault." Clawd told her. "He was looking for the gem." Draculaura told him. "The dangerous turquoise gem you pit a protective spell on?" Clawd asked and Draculaura nodded. "The one and only." Draculaura replied and Clawd sighed. "What do we do now?" Clawd asked. "I make the protective spell stronger." Draculaura replied. "Are you sure?" Clawd asked. "Yes. My dad is powerful and can pe trade my magic. I need to try and make it stronger if I can." Draculaura replied. "I know you can." Clawd told her and she smiled.

Real World!
     Wendy saw Kelly drinking coffee in Abominably Amazing. She walked up to her with a smile. "Hey." Wendy greeted. "Oh, hi." Kelly greeted. "Last night was fun." Wendy commented. "Yeah, fun." Kelly greeted. "How about tomorrow, we go on a date before going to bed?" Wendy asked with a smile and Kelly sighed. "I don't think that's a good idea." Kelly replied and Wendy frowned. "Why?" Wendy asked. "I just kissed a girl I had a crush on and she was straight. I'm not ready for a relationship." Kelly told her. "Kelly, you are kind and loyal. Smart and beautiful. I like you." Wendy commented and Kelly blushed. "That's sweet, but I'm not ready right now." Kelly told her and Wendy nodded. "That's fine. Do you think we could be friends?" Wendy asked and Kelly smiled. "Yeah, that'll be great." Kelly replied. "I'll see you later." Wendy told her and walked away as Kelly sighed.
     Stella and Peter were eating lunch at Abominably Amazing. Stella looked over to Kelly and Wendy talking. Stella watched as Wendy left and Stella looked sad. "I'll be right back." Stella told her boyfriend and he nodded. "Okay." Peter agreed. Stella walked over to her with a smile. "Are you okay?" Stella asked and Kelly shook her head. "No, I'm not." Kelly replied. "You weren't at the hotel with Victoria, were you?" Stella asked. "Why do you say that?" Kelly asked and Kelly sighed as she sat down. "Because I know you." Stella replied. "What do you think you know?" Kelly asked. "That you're a lesbian." Stella replied. "I haven't told anyone. How did you know?" Kelly asked. "I'm your oldest and dearest friends. I've known you for most of your life, Kelly. I've known since high school." Stella replied. "Why didn't you tell me?" Kelly asked. "You had to come to terms on it first." Stella replied and Kelly nodded. "Well, I had a thing for Gabriella but she's straight." Kelly told her. "Like Daisy?" Stella asked. "You knew that I had a crush on Daisy in High School?" Kelly asked. "Of course, I never said a word." Stella replied. "Wendy asked me out, but I'm not ready to go out with a girl. I'm tired of falling for straight girls." Kelly told her. "At least they were both just crushes." Stella commented. "Well." Kelly commented. "What?" Stella asked. "I was in love with Daisy." Kelly replied and Stella's eyes widened.

     Draculaura walked into the attic with Clawd not far behind. She put her hands on each side of the box as pink static stretched from the palm of her hands to the box as a pink glow formed. Clawd stood behind her, ready to catch her if she falls. "You should get back, Clawd." Draculaura suggested. "Not a chance." Clawd told her and she sighed. The box rose into the air as a pink bubble began to form around it. An electric shot around the room as Draculaura fell. Clawd got her and laid her on the ground as he kept his arms around her. The box stayed in the air for a few moments. Draculaura looked up to see the box slowly going down and back onto the table. Draculaura breathes deeply. Clawd helped her up and Draculaura stepped closer to the box. Clawd took her hand and squeezed it reassuringly and Draculaura smiled up at him. She looked back at the box and used her free hand to touch it, but the force field shocked her and she moved her hand back. "Seems to be working." Clawd told her. "Let's hope it's powerful enough to stop my dad." Draculaura added.
      Amara took the necklace out of the pot and the image went away. Amara smirked as she stood up. "There's no way that goody goody vampire is more powerful then I am now with my new accounted powers." Amara commented. She vanished in a cloud of smoke and appeared in Draculaura and Clawd's attic. But they both had left the attic. And Draculaura walked up to the box. She reached her hand to the box and it shocked her as she flew backwards and into some box. Amara groaned as she stood up. "Dracula. He can get to it, and even if he can't then he can at least find a way around it. He's Dracula." Amara commented. Amara vanished in another cloud of smoke right before Draculaura and Clawd ran in there as they examined the area. "What happened here?" Clawd asked. "I don't know, but I'm going to find out." Draculaura replied.

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