Chapter 4

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[not proof read, please ignore mistakes]

Chapter 4

Cheryl wasted no time in getting up to the third floor, where Toni's room was. She was nervous to how this could not down, but she knew it needed to be done. Cheryl climbed two steps at a time, despite the pain in her right ankle that seemed to be coming back, until she reached the third floor after exiting the stair well.

To the red heads luck, the hallway was empty and unusually silent, the only sound she could hear was her shoes against the carpet. The last thing she wanted was for someone to catch her going into Toni's dorm voluntarily. As she approached number 127, Toni's room, Cheryl grew even more nervous - she wondered if it was even worth it coming back up here and dragging it on further than needed.

Sort things out, explain yourself.

She told herself these words over and over again during her whole journey back to the dorm building. Even though she wanted to turn back around, or keep on walking, she knew she couldn't.

Before she knew it, Cheryl was stood opposite the wooden door, she took one last breath before raising her fist to knock, but before she did, the door flung open quickly, startling both girls who now face to face.

On the other side stood Toni. She held a pile of books to her chest with one arm and had her other hand still resting on the handle of the door. Hanging off her shoulder was a small, black bag pack with silver spikes on the straps. Toni always wore a lot of black, but she wasn't a goth, it just suited her well - so Cheryl always thought. Changing up her all-black look, Toni wore a red flannel shirt wrapped around her thin waist.

"Cheryl? What are you doing here?" Toni gushed, breaking the silence that had already lasted for too long.

"I - erm... came here to talk, to you." Cheryl stammered, internally praying that Toni would understand and let her in. She had already built up enough courage to come here, this couldn't wait.

Toni didn't reply, she stood there for a couple of seconds before sighing. She walked backwards into the room, pulling the door open further with her as she stepped to the side.

"Sure, come in, chick." The pinkish haired girl smiled.

Without another word, Cheryl sped passed Toni into her room, fiddling with her own fingers as she did so. Once she was stood in nearer the middle, she turned around to face Toni, who was leaning with her foot propped up against the door behind her. Toni had dropped her bag and books by her feet and was now stood, with her arms folded and eyebrows raised, waiting for Cheryl to speak. But this only made the red head more nervous.

"So, I..." Cheryl began to speak but she was quickly cut off by Toni, who had already pushed herself off the door by now and was strolling towards Cheryl.

"Let me guess, this is about last night?" Toni sighed, her arms still crossed.

"Yeah, I came to say that what ever it was... wasn't right." Cheryl explained, fidgeting slightly, "No offence."

"Non taken. I get told things like this more times than I care to admit, but, are you telling me that you didn't enjoy it?" Toni replied too calmly for Cheryl's liking. By this time, she had made her way closer to the red head, who stood agitated in front of her.

"No, it just... it wasn't me." Cheryl mumbled, earning a light chuckle from the smaller girl.

"Then who was is Cheryl? If it wasn't you?" Toni pulled her plump bottom lip between her teeth once the words had escaped her mouth.

"I... erm, I don't know." Cheryl gulped, trying to look anywhere but the girls eyes, but something kept steering her own back to Toni's brown orbs, "But it wasn't me, I'm not gay," the second part of Cheryl's sentence was much quieter, almost like a whisper.

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