Chapter 2

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[not proof read, please ignore mistakes]

Chapter 2

Cheryl opened the door to find Veronica in her bra and underwear leaned close against the body sized mirror pulling an amusing face as she applied the last of her mascara.

"Hey," Cheryl called over the loud music as she shut the door behind her, releasing her bag from her shoulder placing it at her feet.

"There you are!" Veronica shouted as she made her way over to turn down the music coming from the speakers, "What took you so long?"

The image of the black-haired girl and then Toni stood in her doorway instantly appeared in Cheryl's mind in response to the question, but she thought it'd be better to leave the whole situation out the conversation, "Oh, I don't know. I guess I just made my way up here slowly," Cheryl replied.

"Well hurry up, the party starts in two hours and Veronica Lodge is never late." The raven haired girl announced, rummaging through and pile of clothes that sat on her bed.

"Two hours is plenty of time, I'll be fine." Cheryl reassured her friend.

"Really? And what do you plan on wearing?" Veronica turned to face Cheryl, questioning her seriously.

"Well I haven't actually thought that far on yet, I'm more worried about smelling like I haven't just had cheer practice on the hottest day of the year," Cheryl joked, grabbing a towel off the end of her bed and heading towards the bathroom.

"You drive me insane Cher," Veronica scoffed, unable to hide her smile as she watched Cheryl disappear into the bathroom.

Cheryl shut the door behind her and reached to twist the shower knob until it released a steady flow of water. She wiped the steam from the large mirror which appeared from when Veronica had clearly showered previously and leaned in to examine her face. When she was certain the shower was warm enough, Cheryl removed her clothes and dropped them into a pile of the floor. Before she could step into the shower cubicle, the bathroom door swung open, causing Cheryl to jump slightly before grabbing her towel to cover herself.

"Veronica! What the fuck?!" Cheryl shouted, to her friend who had just burst in the room.

"Sorry Cheryl, I was just looking for my heels. Are they in here?" Veronica replied calmly, much to Cheryl's disgust.

"No! Why would they be in the bathroom?" Cheryl hissed, still barely covered by her small, white towel.

"Oh, I don't know," Veronica shrugged as she made her way back to the door, "Oh, and by the way... nice ass," She winked before clicking the door shut behind her.

"We really need to get a lock for this fucking door," Cheryl mumbled to herself.


"Five minutes late, who's fault is that?" Veronica groaned as the pair made their way into the elevator of the Football team's apartment building, which was about a 10 minute walk from the girls dorm.

"Hey, I might've been quicker if I wasn't in shock from your surprise attack earlier," Cheryl complained, glaring at her roommate who stood on her right side.

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