Chapter 7

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[not proof read, please ignore mistakes]

Chapter 7

When Cheryl finally opened her eyes, they were met with the white sheets of the bed that she laid in. Immediately closing them again, she winced at the aching pain in her head before pulling her pillow over her face.

"Shit," Cheryl mumbled, her croaky voice muffled by the fabric of the pillow. She felt her warm breath against her own pale face as she spoke, "Veronica?"

The room remained quiet and when she didn't get an answer, the red head didn't ask again as she assumed Veronica was still asleep. Sitting up and removing her pillow caused Cheryl's muscles the scream out in pain due to the sudden movement. She rubbed her eyes before adjusting them to the bright light that crept in through the large, open window.

Cheryl glanced back down at her sheets, patting around looking for her phone that she felt the heaviness of, she was in her own world. That was until she noticed someone, who wasn't Veronica, sat crossed-legged on the chair at the desk. The girl was typing on her laptop with her headphones in, her back half facing the red head.

"Toni?" Cheryl said, raising her voice slightly to ensure that Toni would hear. As Cheryl began to put the pieces together in her head, she noticed that she wasn't in her own room and she was wearing an over sized band-tee that most definitely wasn't hers.

Toni span her head around, slowly allowing her eyes to leave her computer screen soon after. Realising Cheryl was sat up in her bed, the darker girl slammed her laptop shut and pulled out both headphones from her ears, letting them hit the desk, "You're awake."

"Yeah.. what am I doing here?" Cheryl asked the girl who was now perched on her end of her desk chair.

The red head had so many questions like why is she here? Where are her own clothes and why does everything hurt? She tried her hardest to remember, but defeated, she soon discovered a huge chunk of her memory was missing. That was apart from drinking game, she remembered that as clear as day.

"I walked you up here last night," Toni answered, chuckling slightly to herself as she remembered back to last night, "You seemed pretty fucked up outside on the sidewalk."

"Shit, really?" Cheryl asked, letting her face turn red. She had never gotten drunk to the point where she had no idea what she was doing or where parts of her memory were missing, "That's embarrassing."

"Don't worry about it," Toni reassured Cheryl. She'd be lying if she were to say she hadn't helped many drunk people back to their rooms before. She felt as if she was always in the wrong place at the right time, "So you don't remember anything?"

Cheryl thought back to the only things she could recall. The bar, the music, the people, the drinking game... Veronica. She remembered all the questions, and most importantly, all the answers. But that wasn't something to reminisce on, not right now.

"Uh, I remember being at the bar. But I don't remember leaving or anything after that," Cheryl sighed, using the palm of her hand to rub her forehead, "Veronica's gonna kill me."

The head pushed the sheets off her body before swinging her legs over the side of the bed and standing up. She pulled the long t-shirt further down her thin legs.

"Oh yeah, I hope you don't mind the band-tee," Toni laughed lightly, "It's the first thing I grabbed to change you into."

Cheryl glanced down at what she was wearing. It was an over sized, back t-shirt with "The 1975" in bold written in white, "I like it," She shrugged.

The red head straightened out the sheets, patting around looking for her phone, she could've sworn she had it with her last night.

"So you ditched your friends last night?" Toni asked, slightly amused by the whole situation. At times like this, she was unreasonably calm.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2019 ⏰

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