Apex (Part 2) Vergil

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Saturday, November 5th, 12:00 a.m.

By the time Vergil and Lisa were able to bring Blujh back to consciousness, they were well into the night. In the meantime, Lisa continued to question The Invader called Vyth. Once they'd primed the pump, he had been surprisingly forthcoming. Vergil felt bad for the little guy. Vergil too had been on the other side of Lisa's wrath and he wouldn't have wished that on his worst enemy.

And Vyth certainly qualifies.

Lisa hadn't been able to learn anything more about the two Invaders reason for coming to Earth, or anything more about where they came from. However, she did figure out what they'd slathered all over their blunt knives. Vergil didn't understand the mechanics, but the gist was they pressed a button to alter the state of matter of the metal into a gas right before contact. 

They were instruments they used for non-lethal means of capturing and incapacitating wild animals. The toxin was nothing more than a paralytic, and the approach they employed was quick administration to the bloodstream in an effort to reduce the chances the user would get injured in its application.

Being a med student, Lisa asked a question that I never would have thought of. If it's a paralytic, then wouldn't his diaphragm stop moving as well.

Vyth extolled the virtues of his creation by saying that the serum only affected the peripheral nervous system and the functions necessary for life well enough alone.

Lisa nodded in approval and asked why they didn't use longer instruments.

Vyth simply responded with, "the alloy we use is comprised of metals so precious, that The Miasma had to employ exorbitant resources so that we both may have one. Besides, the longer the weapon, the less efficiency it possesses," he added with a tone of condescension Vergil didn't care for.

Vyth hypothesized that Albert should be up and about in a matter of hours. Neither Lisa or Vergil felt the need to add that Albert was a telepathic dog, the last thing he needed was to be the object of their scientific explorations.

Blujh's face turned an unhealthy looking shade of purple when he regained consciousness. Vergil couldn't tell if it was at his companion or the fact that what he considered a lower life form had gotten the better of him. He liked to believe it was the latter; Vergil could've used a win. The Invader also didn't seem overly thrilled at the fact Vyth had agreed to return back to their world, but the scientist explained that their options were limited if they wanted to finish this expedition in one piece. Lisa threatened dismemberment at one point in her questioning, and the scientists skin flushed the yellow of a jaundiced patient.

Vergil was dragging his feet to continue their journey to the drive-in. Despite his hermetic ways, introspection was not a strong suit of his. He suspected that may have to do with the fact that Lancet Falls was all that he knew in his entire life, and his decision to leave his town behind as well as his dimension. At this rate, he wouldn't even be able to tell his best friend goodbye. He imagined the scolding the dog would exacted upon him when he woke up.

"Do you truly believe you would last longer than a matter of moments without my guidance? Of all cockamamie notions you've had in our time together, this surely takes the cake."

Maybe it's best he doesn't wake up, he'd probably be able to talk me out of it. 

"Vergil, it's time we get moving. I can't stand to be with these little creeps for another second," Lisa said jolting Vergil out of his reverie.

"You're right, keep the Mace handy. I'll carry Albert, hopefully he doesn't wake up. I don't think his pride would be able to handle the blow of being carried like a baby," Vergil replied.

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