Breaking News

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11:27 AM

      Andy glanced up from the legal pad lying on his lap, raising an eyebrow at the flurry of action on the television in front of him. "Who the fuck is actually that stupid? Everything is dry as fucking dust, but you still get idiots that insist on having a bonfire, or whatever the hell they were up to!"

      "No, that was no bonfire," Jake informed him. "I guess you weren't paying attention, but they just said a minute ago that the fires started in cellphone towers, so either there was some sort of power surge, or somebody did it on purpose."

      "Why the hell would anybody want to set fire to a cellphone tower?" CC mused.

      "No clue, man, but they just put up the 'breaking news' banner," Blasko said. "So everybody shut up, and maybe they'll explain it."

      They all turned their attention to the screen, where a helicopter provided an aerial view of a large body of water, before passing on to the forested area beyond. "We're flying over the shores of Cachuma Lake, where fire crews have made great progress in containing the fires caused earlier this morning by the explosion of several cell-phone towers. Now, however, it seems that the fires may not be the only issue, as we've just been alerted to multiple emergency vehicles, including a Medivac copter, being directed to an area well away from the fire sources."

      The chopper traveled over the treeline, then hovered over a narrow road as multiple ambulances sped past, lights and sirens blaring. The cameraman then shifted his position to show a medical copter hovering some distance away, with someone dangling from a rope being slowly lowered into a rather deep gorge, along with what appeared to be a stretcher. Then, as the camera panned around the area, then zoomed in for a close shot, they were somewhat surprised to see numerous law-enforcement personnel scurrying along the edge of the drop.

      "Shit, look at that!" Jake exclaimed. "Highway Patrol and FBI out the wazoo. Must be something major for them to be there."

      "I wonder what, though?" Andy said. "Like the guy said, they don't seem to be anywhere near the fires."

      "Well, if somebody actually did set them, maybe they're looking for the guy," Jinxx speculated. "Or maybe that's where they've cornered him."

      The reporter resumed speaking, announcing, "All right, I've just received word that it has been confirmed that the fires were deliberately set, and that there has been a standoff between members of law enforcement and the suspected arsonist, resulting in at least four people being injured, including the suspect. There is also rumor spreading, which we're unable to confirm as yet, that the suspect may have also been wanted for other crimes. If more information becomes available, I'll pass it on to you as soon as possible. Now, back to you, Rita."

      The newscast switched back to the studio, and Blasko reached for the remote, planning to turn off the television. But before he could hit the button, the anchorwoman made a statement that froze them in place, gaping at the screen in disbelief.

      "Thanks for that update, Pete. And now, in other late-breaking news, we have just received word  that the police raid on a suburban Los Angeles home earlier this morning is definitely connected to the ongoing Streetsweeper murder investigation. Police Chief Paul MacDevitt has called a press conference, which is scheduled to begin in less than thirty minutes, where it is speculated that he may name a suspect. Our own Jessica Lucas will be covering the event, which we will be broadcasting live as it happens, so please stay tuned."

      Blasko scrambled for his laptop, pulling up the local newsfeed and scrolling until he found the story, everyone huddled behind him, reading over his shoulder. "So according to this, some kids went to their uncle's house to pick something up, and found that missing woman locked up in his basement, so they called it in. Apparently he booked, though."

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