Stupid Chaeyoung!Stupid!

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3rd P.O.V

  After having a little bit of conversation with Seoyeon,Nagyung then do as the older said and went to check on Gyuri.She walked straight to Gyuri's room and knocked on the door several times.Unfortunately,she didn't get any respond.She 'sorry' herself before she opened the door just a little bit to see if Gyuri was fine inside.When Nagyung saw a figured on the bed,covering in blanket,she decided to let the girl rest and closed back the door.'She must be tired.'Nagyung thought to herself before she made her way to the living room.She had no idea how to make herself happy at this moment.Not after what had happened today.Nagyung laid herself on a sofa and playing with her nails.She didn't feel like playing PC game today or any mobile game.

  She wanna see how Jiwon's condition,but since Seoyeon already there,she give up on that.She then reached her phone and tried to kill the boredness with surfing the internet.She was into surfing too much till she didn't realize that there's someone beside her,who's already sitting on the same sofa with her.The person next to her even waving her hand in front of Nagyung..but still she got no respond from the latter. 

"Nagyung?"The other girl called.

"..."No respond.

"Nagyung!"Again,she called,a little louder.


"Nagyung!!"The girl took Nagyung's phone away from her.

Nagyung was surprised by that and quickly realise that there's someone beside her.And it was the person who assumed her that she's gonna kill herself last time.

"Chaeyoung?When did you come here?"Nagyung startled.

"What?You've been looking into your phone, you didn't even notice me."Chaeyoung said as she looked at Nagyung's phone screen,to see what she's been looking.And it was call log?

"Hey!Give me back!"Nagyung went to Chaeyoung,took back her phone from Chaeyoung's hand.

After she got her phone back,she quickly hide the phone behind her.

"Nagyung...."Chaeyoung called.

'Is she going to call her parents?Will she be fine?'Chaeyoung thought.

"What?"Nagyung asked.Chaeyoung can clearly see that Nagyung was shivering.

"Are you.....going to call someone?"Chaeyoung asked.

"N-no!I'm not going to call anyone..I just accidentally open the call log..yup just an accident."Nagyung said,avoid looking into Chaeyoung's eyes.

For sure,Chaeyoung know that she lied,but she didn't want to make this situation even worst,she just let it be.But,she knows she's going to regret this when her mouth just ask something that she shouldn't ask.

"Are you call you're parents?"Chaeyoung asked.

Nagyung widened her eyes,"N-no,I'm....not."

"You sure?"

"I said I'm not ok!"Nagyung stomped her feet and she ran to her room.

Chaeyoung was shocked,"Stupid Chaeyoung!Stupid!"Chaeyoung quickly got up and made her way to Nagyung's room.

"Nagyung!"Chaeyoung called her from the outside and knocked on her door several times.

"Nagyung!Please open the door!"Chaeyoung kept on knocking.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!"Chaeyoung quickly stop knocking.She heard sobbing from inside.At this moment,she know that she fuck up...a lot.

'Fuck...'Chaeyoung didn't know why her heart so hurts hearing Nagyung's crying.She wanted to comfort her,but knowing she's the reason Nagyung like this,she doesn't has any choice but to leave her be.

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