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This chapter is going to focus on Jiheon,our uwu maknae XD.Anyway Enjoy reading.


Jiheon P.O.V

I know that I'm not supposed to hear all the bickering that happened between Jiwon unnie and Gyuri unnie. I know that Gyuri unnie was worried about Jisun. All of us worried. I hate it, it make me remember my past.

'No don't fight! I hate fighting!'

I don't want to see my unnies fighting so I ran to my own room, jumping on the bed and closed both of my ears with hands. Unfortunately,I still can hear them fighting. But, a few minutes later, I don't hear anything anymore. I moved my hands away from my ears.

'I guess.... it's stop already? ' I thought.

Why were we fighting? Aren't we supposed to discuss on how to find Jisun unnie? Or maybe I'm the only one that thought on that. I sat on my bed, don't have any intention on waking up. It's really silent... 'Should I go out? ' I wondered myself.

"Maybe I'll just stay here. "

"No.. Let's just study. I need to maintain my grade. "I said as I walked toward my study table.

I sat on a chair and opening my favourite subject which is history.It's just too quiet,so I reached my headphone near the bed and put it on.I'm now listening to (any song you listen when studying).This song is the best for studies,well for me. I was so focusing on studying until I didn't realize that's it's already night. 'Wow...everything went so fast.I better go out,checking on the others?'I thought.I stood up from the chair and walked straight to the door.I opened the door and since my room is upstairs I need to go down to see the others.No one came into my room during my studying or it just me that didn't hear them knocking on the door.I then arrived at living room,I saw no one.After that I went to the kitchen,still no one.Usually there will be a person working at the kitchen...but now it's different.There's no one to cook for us,and it's a lie if I say that I'm not hungry.

I sighed,'Where are they?'They can't go outside right?It's already almost 10.00 p.m.Now I'm getting worried,they may be older than me,but sometimes they can also be clumsy and do stupid things.I was going to go outside,but then there's a voice calling for me.

"Jiheon!"I looked at the direction of the person who's calling,and it was Nagyung unnie.

"Nagyung unnie..."

I went to her,"What's wrong unnie?"I asked.

She had her poker face when I came to her,I also saw dark circle under her eyes.'Is she crying?'

"Jiheon...ermm I just wanna ask..are you hungry?I went to your room to check on you,but I saw that you're studying so I don't want to disturb."She asked.So someone did came to the room.

I nodded,Nagyung unnie then pulled me to the kitchen.She make me sat down on the nearest chair,while she opening the fridge grabbing some leftover pizza?Since when we order pizza? But you know in this situation, anything fine. Nagyung unnie then put the pizza in the microwave to heat it up. While waiting for it, Nagyung unnie went to the chair beside me and sat on it.

Silence were surrounding us, everything was quiet. 'Why did I felt so awkward with Nagyung unnie? 'I thought biting my fingers. Should I start the conversation? Or just stay silent. Aishhh!! This is so frustrating. Then I felt some giggles sound from a certain person.

Nagyung unnie then giggled,"Are you okay? Why you look like you're nervous? Are you perhaps nervous around me? "

'What the heck is this girl talking about?' I think.

"No.. I'm not, it's just that...it's awkward. I don't know what to talk about and I guess you're same? " I said.

"Well it's kinda right and it's also kinda wrong. It's true that this situation we're having right now is awkward, but I don't feel like that when I'm around you. I'm just gonna say that I'm just fine. " She said smiling.

"Jiheon..."She called me.

"Yes unnie?"

"About earlier.. "She started her sentence.

"Earlier? "I'm waiting for her.

"I want you t-"Nagyung was interrupt by a *ting* sound from the microwave. (OK I don't know how microwave sounds.)

"Looks like our food ready. Wait here I'll grab it. "Nagyung unnie said.

Second later, she came back with pizza on a plate. "Where the others? Have they eat? " I asked.

Nagyung shrugged, she don't know. "But I think they already ate. Or not we won't have this pizza in the fridge."

I just nodded, and both of us started eating the pizza peacefully. After it finished, I volunteer myself to clean it since Nagyung unnie already help me with heat it. Nagyung unnie mouthed 'thanks' to me.

"You're welcome."

I went straight to the kitchen, putting the dirty dishes in the sink and I start to clean it. While cleaning, I remember about what Nagyung unnie wants to say just now. I turned back to see if Nagyung unnie still there?

And yes she's still there, on her phone.

"Unnie?" I called her.

Nagyung unnie just 'hmmm' signaling that she heard me.

"What are you going to say to me just now?" I asked, while my hand still busy with the dishes.

"Oh!"By the sound, it's look like she's shocked by it.

"Oh about that..." She's going to continue what we left before.

"Actually, you know... Jiheon just forget about it. I don't think I have right to tell you."What is it? Why can't I know it? I know I'm the youngest, but don't treat me like this. It's going to hurt my brain a lot.

"Why can't I know?" I asked feeling really unfair right now.

"Just like what I said Jiheon. I don't have the right to tell you. One day, you'll know." She said.

"Okay.. " I don't want to fight with my unnie. Like what I said, I hate fighting. Really hate.

I finished my cleaning and then I rubbed my hand with towel to dry it off. I was going to turn around, but suddenly I felt an arm wrapped around my body.

"Wh-what Unnie?! "Of course I will be surprised by that.


"U-unnie? "Why am I stuttering?

"Jiheon.. You know we love you right? " Nagyung unnie asked. Why the sudden question?

I nodded. "I'm sorry Jiheon. One day.. You'll know what's happening. " She stated.

"Unnie.. Are you okay? " I turned my body around, my gaze now were focusing on Nagyung unnie's eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine." Why you always lie? I can clearly say that your eyes say the opposite.

Nagyung unnie then went to hug me,whispering something.

"I love you Jiheon."


New chapter yey.. I know you guys might be confuse.. Well if you guys are. I'm sorry for that. Enjoy reading this chapter and thank you for reading this.. I'm so happy that we almost got 600 readers XD. Thank you for voting this book. And school gonna start soon, so I'll be posting once a week again.
Again thank you very much for reading this.. And enjoy XD.

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