Let's do this!

370 22 1

3rd P.O.V

"What?Jiheon's missing?"Hayoung said in shocked.

"How can that be?" Said Saerom.

"We don't know,the moment we get there, she's already missing. "Nagyung said.

"Fuck...one by one problem came."Seoyeon said as she massaged her head.

"Okay let's calm down for awhile shall we."Gyuri suggested.

"What should we do now? Did Mr. Kim knows? " Asked Jiwon.

"I don't know about that, maybe he's know and maybe he don't. "Saerom said.

"Do you think that the person who's kidnap Jiheon is the same one as Jisun? If they're true? What's their intentions? "Chaeyoung asked.

All girls just shrugged. A moment later, the main door suddenly being barged. All of their eyes now were on the main door. Then it's reveal Mr. Kim along with his bodyguards.

"Girls, I guess you're already know that Jiheon already missing. "He said and we nodded.

"I'm so sorry that I can't protect you guys, I even promised your parents, but here I am dissapointed them. "He added.

"No.. It's not your fault. Things are meant to happen. We can't do anything about that." Hayoung said.

"I'm sorry girls... "

"It's okay."Chaeyoung said while giving him a thumbs up.

"Girls.. Can I ask for your favor? I know that my job is to make sure that you all are safe but, since I failed already, can I ask for you guys to help me on searching them?" Mr. Kim asked.

They all looked at each other before nodding their head. "Let's do this."

And with that all of them went to the room behind the mansion, the room that only Saerom knows,but now everyone knows.

"Woahh I never know this existed. "Jiwon said in awe.

"Focus please."Chaeyoung said as she smacked Jiwon's head.


"Girls, this is where I'm doing the research and Saerom knows about this. From all the information that we've got, we maybe can find them. These are some photos that showing the place."Mr. Kim said as he handed the photos.

All of them were examined the photos until, "Wait this seems familiar." Seoyeon said.

"What do you mean?" Asked Hayoung who's standing beside her.

"This.. I think I've seen the sign before."Seoyeon tried to recall.

"Sign? What sign? "Mr. Kim asked curiously.

"This.. This 'Fromis_9' sign..I swear that I've seen this.Aishh where did I saw it?" Jiwon went near her and comforted her.

"It's okay if you recall the sign, let me know."Mr. Kim said and Seoyeon nodded.

"Isn't this the building that many people talks at school?"Gyuri said as she showed the building to Hayoung.

"What? This old building? I don't think so."Hayoung said.

"No this building,the next one to it. Look."

"Oh yeah, you're right. They always talk how famous this place but to shame that it's placed next to this old building, makes it not so popular."Hayoung said.

"Mr. Kim! I think I know where's this building is."
Gyuri said and the others look at her.


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