Nine, "Not Obsessed"

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Chapter 9

It has been two weeks since the Williams siblings moved into the Ricci's mansion temporarily. Since the first time Donovan Ricci slept with him, Evan Williams has been having a very regular sex life. Every time he came home from work at the bar in the morning, he will always find the alpha home at the same time. Without a word Donovan would always pull the omega into his bedroom and ravished him for hours till lunch time, Donovan never have lunch with the people in the house though.

After lunch and a nice bath, Evan would fall asleep and wake up hours later with Donovan's cock moving in and out of him. After two or three rounds of the steamy session, Donovan would fall asleep and Evan wide awake to take a shower before going to work. These things happen everyday like a routine, as an omega with very low level of pheromones, Evan was surprised that he could keep up with Donovan's monster sex drive.

Evan got out of the shower that night to find a naked Donovan in deep sleep, his hairy muscled legs sprawled on the bed, blanket on the floor. The omega dried his hair with his towel and walked over the cupboard that is now filled with his clothes, Donovan has ordered one of his underlings to buy him and Emily a lot of outfits everyday, he told him that no one in this house was allowed to wear torn old clothes.

It was his day off today, so Evan just wore something casual to go through the night. He can't call these expensive T-shirt and pants casual but these are the simplest thing he could get from his now expensive and all high branded wardrobe. Evan looked at himself in front of the full body mirror to find how much he has changed within these weeks in the Ricci's mansion.

He has been eating good food everyday, enough sleep and been using a lot of skin care products from Donovan's bathroom. He could see his face now glowed with natural blush and has put on a few pounds. Donovan seems to appreciate the additional pounds that fill up the omega's butts and chest area, saying that this is how a healthy omega's body supposed to look like.

Evan walked over the sleeping alpha on the bed. It's creepy for how often the omega would stare at the sleeping form for a few seconds before going out of the room. But Evan just loved to see how calm and innocent Donovan look when he was asleep. The alpha's long black eyelashes shadowed over his define high cheekbones and his thick eyebrows are Evan's favorite features.

Why would such handsome man chose the underworld for an occupation instead of modeling, Evan will never know. Their relationship is purely physical, since Donovan had that nightmare, they barely communicate verbally. Their body was compatible and that's that. It's just sometimes Evan hoped there's something more between them when on those rare occasions, Donovan would hold him gently and slowly, cleaned his body up after they finished, sometimes he would help the omega up to sip some water and tucked him in.

But this attraction will passed eventually, Evan knew it. Donovan was his first man after all, he was glad that Donovan never kissed him anymore since the first time they started this strange relationship, it's already an obvious sign that their countless physical connections will never ever go beyond anything.

Those sweet gestures were just Donovan's alpha instinct to protect the omega, this is what's special in alphas and omegas bonds. These won't happen to betas, that's why Evan never seen his own beta father, who was now in jail, had ever do something sweet or protective to his omega mother.

Evan sighed as he pick up the blanket from the floor and cover the sleeping alpha. He wanted to put a kiss on top of the taller man's forehead like how he always tuck his sister in bed but decided against it as he left the bedroom quickly.

It's still six in the afternoon and the house chef must be preparing the dinner downstairs. For Evan who worked in graveyard shift, the dinner was his breakfast.

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