Nineteen, "Future and Past"

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Chapter 19 "Future and Past"

Evan Williams turned twenty seven yesterday, time sure passed since he started motherhood at twenty four. Three years ago mid August, he gave birth to a healthy baby boy who he named Jovani James Williams, they call him JJ for short. The first time he held JJ in his arms, he knew how much the baby took after his father's features, the dark raven hair and dark brown eyes, after a few months, JJ's features started to be more prominent, there were even more similarities to the alpha whose name they promised not to bring up anymore.

Emily eventually went to the prestigious boarding school, occasionally came home on weekends and stayed longer on summer and winter breaks. She was officially recognized as a pure high level alpha two years ago and now she's already grew as tall as her brother and became even more beautiful day by day.

Evan's pregnancy didn't get in the way of his university activities mostly, he graduated with a bachelor degree and immediately accepted a job offer for a chemistry lecturer at a school for the special needs a few towns away which he can reach easily on trains.

Life as a single parent wasn't as hard as he expected, nonna Livia is still very much healthy in her sixties, she and their kind neighbours helped took care of JJ when Evan's at work, the restaurant is doing really well too.

Evan half running inside Livia's house to avoid the scorching summer heat and took off his baseball cap after he closed the door behind him. He put down his bag on the side table as he looked around the living room and his hazel eyes stopped at a mop of black hair behind the sofa.

The omega smirked at that but immediately changed his expression, pretending he didn't see anything as he wiped his sweat.

"Hmm, I wonder where's my baby boy is..." Evan said out loud in a clear voice like a hearing person. He had a cochlear implanted in his ears two years ago and has gone through a lot of rehabs with a speech therapist.

Evan walked slowly towards the kitchen but then walked back as if he's looking for something. He crouched down table, "I wonder if JJ is under this table..." seeing nothing he stood up and lift a stack of magazines, "...or maybe he is hiding under the magazines?" That made JJ giggled.

"Oh, what was that? I heard something," Evan pretended not to have any clue where his son is and the almost three year old boy lost his patience so he stood up lifting up his hands.

"Tada-da!" JJ yelled, his wavy black hair covering a quarter of his dark brown eyes and chubby pink cheeks, he is dressed in a green dinosaur hoodie as he started to waddled his chubby legs towards his mother.

"There you are! I was looking all over for you!" Evan said as he lifted the little boy up in the air as he put a big long kiss on the adorable chubby cheeks making JJ giggle.

"Su-pwise!" JJ said lifting his arms up.

"Yes! Surprise! Mama was really surprised!" Evan said and grab his son's cute little knuckles to kiss. JJ started to babbled about his day as he is being carried into the kitchen.

JJ was born with perfect hearing and condition but he was a bit late in speech because he grew up in a multilingual environment. Evan taught him both english, italian and two kinds of sign languages after all.

They found Livia in the kitchen serving some summer cold food on the table, the woman realized the reflection of her grandson and great grandson from the window in front of her so she turned her head to greet them.

Evan put a kiss on his grandmother's cheek and settled his son on the high chair. Right after they sat down Emily entered the kitchen, her wavy brown hair is longer down to her waist, she's a preteen now and has lost a lot of her baby fats these past three years, no matter how you look, she is a beautiful lady who is going to break a lot of hearts.

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