"I loved you most when you loved me least"

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   We have a game today and to be perfectly honest I am extremely nervous. At least I know you're gonna be there to cheer me on. Okay, not just me but still, you're gonna be right there. Nancy and I had a fight last night, it was all my fault. I truly am an idiot... I heard that if we win there's gonna be a party so I can aim for that! I saw you and Jack making out after school, guess that was pretty serious, huh? I just can't look at him the same anymore, something about him and you really bothers me. I'll see you later loser!

Your idiot,



"She's lying, I did not say that!" Frankie glared at Cami.

"Whatever lets you sleep at night Frankie," Cami laughed and Grant tried to hold his laughter in.

"Is that Monica?" Jack asked.

The other three turned to what he was looking at and it was, in fact, Monica Wheeler with Dustin Henderson.

"Didn't you tell her we were coming here?" Cami asked Frankie but they were all still watching the pre-teens.

"No, are they on a date?" Frankie asked Jack.

"They're on a date," Jack confirmed.

"Why didn't she tell me?" Frankie slid down her seat a little.

"Don't get all sad, we were having a good time." Grant poked her arm.

"Maybe she'll tell you about it later." Cami tried to put her mind at ease.

"Yeah, maybe she didn't want to jinx it or something. I'm sure if all goes well she'll talk your ear off about it." Jack squeezed her shoulder.

"We should go, the movie is starting soon anyway." Frankie took a deep breath.

"Shit, she's right." Grant looked at his watch and pulled out his wallet, beside Frankie Jack was doing the same.

"Go ahead to the car, we'll be right there," Jack told the girls.

Once they were out of sight Grant cleared his throat. "So, have you and Frankie? You know?"

"No, it's not about that man." Jack left the money on the table.

"I know but really? It's been months!" Grant laughed.

"When we're ready it'll happen, there isn't any pressure between us. If she wants to keep going we'll keep going, if she wants to stop, we'll stop. At the end of the day, it's her choice too." Jack said seriously. "And I don't mind waiting for her because she's everything." Jack blushed.

"I thought I was in love with Cami but now I feel like I have to one-up you somehow." Grant let out another chuckle.

"Have you and Cami?" They got up from the table.

"No, and I think she wants to and I am terrified," Grant confessed.

"You? That surprises me." Jack chuckled this time.

"I'm a lot of talks, I know but I always want to impress her, it took me forever to build up the courage to ask her out. What if I'm no good? What if it's terrible? What if I don't last long? It's driving me crazy." Grant's blue eyes were manic.

Scary Love// Steve Harrington //Where stories live. Discover now