Chapter Eighteen

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© Copyright 2012
All work is property of Leah Crichton, any duplication or reproduction of all or part of the work without explicit permission by the author is illegal.

Alexa swiped a small circle in the steam covered mirror to examine her face. It was sun kissed or wind burnt, she wasn't sure which and a faint pink line stretched across the bridge of her nose like a rainbow. Did she really need a makeover?

The steam in the bathroom began to dissipate and she collected her pajamas from the back of the door before leaving, clad in a fluffy towel to decide on what she'd wear for the day. Since Rachel was a guest, she'd showered first. It was reasonable to assume she was on her second if not third cup of coffee by now.

She changed into blue jeans and a tank top she'd had with a screen of a sugar skull on the front. It was the most punk/rock thing she owned and it was a hand-me-down from Rachel. She ran a brush through her hair and secured it in a ponytail.

The kitchen was abuzz. Gabby sat in her usual spot at the table observing Rachel eating. She was probably trying to figure out where Rachel hid all the food she ate. She was like a walking advertisement for junk yet stick thin. Her plate was covered in three pop tarts and she had a cereal bowl that was so full, Captain Crunches were threatening to erupt from the sides. Charlie sat beside Gabby while Devin did what Devin did best. Talked.

“We're taking Alexa for a makeover today,” she advised. “For the party.”

Gabby looked stunned by the female hormones coming at her from every corner of the kitchen and stood, her chair scraping along the tile floor. “Lex, you didn't tell me there was a party.”

“It's more like dinner,” Alexa told her. “So it's not like a house party.”

Rachel spooned Captain Crunch into her mouth. “It's like a house party with food.”

Alexa glared at Rachel. She didn't need to be complicating things. All she needed to do was shut up and eat.

“Is there going to be drinking at this party?” Gabby asked. 

Alexa's eyes darted to Charlie who up until now was quiet. She was a little bit older and obviously more practiced at being a young adult in the traditional sense of the word. Charlie straightened in her chair, picking up on the desperation Alexa was feeling. “There's alcohol, but everyone's keys are going into a basket at the beginning of the evening. Sebastian is taking care of cabs if they're needed. But I promise you Ms. Montgomery, we're responsible. It's not like a frat party or anything. It's a surprise party for Sawyer with only a few close friends.”

“I won't drink,” Alexa added.

Gabby smiled. “I'm not concerned about you drinking yourself into oblivion, Alexa. I am however concerned about drinking and driving. It's Saturday night, how easy do you think it's going to be to get a cab?”

“Probably not very easy,” Devin chimed in.

Alexa wished Devin was stuffing her face like Rachel. This entire thing was going from bad to worse and she was sure Aunt Gabby was going to forbid her from attending. She'd been the victim of a person who'd driven under the influence and it cost her the love of her life and best friend, Martin. 

“Right,” Gabby said. “Not very easy. I'd pick you up, but I'm going out tonight.”

Alexa nodded. “Rachel and I can walk home.”

“Give your head a shake,” Gabby said. “You are not walking home in the middle of the night by yourselves.”

“So I can't go?” Alexa felt her lip begin to tremble.

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