Chapter Twenty Eight

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Alexa glared at Lane, trying to look so much braver than she felt. Lane was a monster of a guy. He towered over Sawyer for goodness sakes, probably had at least twenty pounds on him too, maybe more. 

He was in a red v-neck long sleeved shirt and a pair of track pants. A pair of red Supra's were on his feet. Even in his grunge clothes, Lane was dressed better than most of the people Alexa knew. 

Rachel let a nervous laugh escape, "well, this is uncomfortably awkward." 

Lane stuck his hands in his pockets and looked up, probably hoping Rachel would leave. 

Alexa turned to her friend. "It's okay. I'll be okay." 

Rachel scowled and brought two fingers to her eyes, sweeping them to Lane. "I'm watching you," she said.  

Lane tried to suppress a laugh, which resulted in a prominent snicker. He caught his bottom lip in his teeth before he slipped any further and stood. 

"Rachel," Alexa said. "Honestly, it'll be fine, right Lane?" 

He nodded. 

Rachel shrugged her bag up her shoulder. "Alexa, I'm going to your room, but I'm taking note of them time," she looked at a watch Alexa was sure she didn't have on. "If you aren't home in an hour, I'm calling the cops." 

"That's a bit drastic," Lane finally spoke. "I assure you, there's no need to call the cops, but you're a good friend." 

Rachel stuck her nose in the air and pivoted on her heel. "That makes one of us." 

"Wow," Lane muttered. "That burns." 

Alexa didn't have an ounce of sympathy. She stared at him, silent. 

He shifted his weight from foot to foot, his hands still buried deep in his pockets. "Uh, can I buy you a coffee?" 

She crossed her arms over her chest defensively. "Why?" 

Lane took a slow, deliberate breath in through his nose and exhaled it from his mouth, as if he was hoping the action could produce patience he did not possess. At least toward her. "Because you care about Sawyer. Same as me. I was an ass for expecting him to choose between the two of us. That's why." 

Exactly the same as you, she thought. 

She cringed at the idea that someone, anyone could possibly feel the same way she did about Sawyer but Lane did have a point. Her arms unfolded, her stance becoming less defensive. "I guess." 

Lane made a gesture to indicate she should go first. She saw his truck. The same one she'd been in the day her and Sawyer got together 'officially.' It was both the worst day and best night of her life. She walked around to the passenger side door, but Lane had veered across the front of the vehicle and politely held her door open. 

"Thanks," she muttered. 

Sober, Lane's truck was different than she'd remembered. Not that she remembered much. The inside was immaculate, like a vehicle that might be taken for a test drive. The distinct 'new car' smell lingered in the air and Alexa wondered how long he'd owned it. 

She folded her hands in her lap and observed Lane settling in his seat, noting that they were far from the dashboard to accommodate for his extra long legs. He looked over at her and offered a warm smile, even if it was contrived just for her. "The Human Bean okay with you?" 

"I've never been there," she said. "But sure." 

He nodded again and put the truck in gear. 

Alexa sensed small talk wasn't really his thing but the silence in the truck was horrific. Sitting beside someone she knew full well loathed the fact that she existed without uttering a single word was torturous. She cleared her throat. "So how long have you played the bass?" She'd start with the most random, inconsequential question she could think of. 

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