Day #2 - Analysis

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"There's a time when the only quote that will help you is a question."


As soon as I woke up, one thought came to mind:

Emily did not commit suicide.

After a good night's rest all the data I had stored up became very clear, organized and balanced, like my batteries had fully recharged and were working on hyper mode.

I dreamed of the girl's pale, helpless face and became very aware of her fearful eyes that I had almost missed in the hologram last night.  I dreamed of her being recorded and using the Xacto knife in her own hand... Yes, all that was true.  One thing was also certain, why would a E-Ray get sent to me with her on it?

She was forced to kill herself.  And the true 'forcerer' was the one who had recorded it.  There was no other explanation... for now.  As is, I can't make any assumptions until all the pieces are sorted together accordingly.  I'm just running on theory and 'maybes'.  So I recorded and scanned my analysis and progress, filling in a biography sheet of each character, case and their connections (or possible connections).


|Number| Unknown.

|Name| Emily Prudence Copperpot, Em

|Race| Caucasian

|Gender| XX

|Date of Birth| August 14, 2104

|Time of Birth| 2200 hours

|Date of Death| November 17, 2123

|Time of Death| 650 hours

|Occupation| Unemployed

|Family| All deceased.

Boyfriend - Reece Smande

Reece Smande, the girl's boyfriend, had clearly stated:

A-1. 'Em' was always happy with him, laughing and cheerful.  And she had never hinted at any suicidal intentions until less than an hour before the actual happening.(5:42 A.M. to be exact)

*According to the Pols information from Mr. Smande, he had wanted to stop Emily from attempting, but he had been away in New York on business and was actually detained until just before arriving on the crime scene that following night.  Why he had not reported Emily's attempted suicide to the government he had answered, 'Who would believe me?'  Who, indeed?*

A-2. Emily had an 'unusual' visitor, the veterinarian, Mrs. Coswell, whom visited three times in one week.

*Going to interview the doc soon...*

A-3. Emily's pet, Pat, is NOT sick and his last check up was 6 months ago.

*Why the visitations from the vet?*

*Are they old acquaintances?*

A-4. The reason for Emily's attempt?  Mr. Smande said to the Pols: "She was tired of hiding."

*Hiding?!  Hiding what? Emotions, herself, a valuable item...*

A-5. Pols said Mr. Smande knew nothing of Emily's scar.

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