Day #2- A Little Lamb

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Author's Note: This chapter may seem a bit confusing but that's because it's merely pieces of the bigger puzzle... Hopefully you'll be able to keep up with the constant changes and weird happenings.  That's what plagues my writings much of the time.  Hope you vote and review with helpful critique.  Danke for the support, I'm really starting to like this story as it's building deeper and deeper as I go along.  I don't know how many chapters I plan for it to have, but I'm aiming for about 20-25.  Maybe longer, depending... I try not to put many descriptions as this is more of a 'movie mode' story than anything else and so I plan on making things move much faster SOON.

As for those who are guessing the paintings.  Did you figure a part of them out, or did you not? ^.^


"Where did the little lamb go, when Mary passed on?"


My E-cell rang with that familiar song, the Elemental Romance hit 'Moonlit Disguize'.  I listened to it for a few seconds before realizing that it meant a certain someone was calling me.

"Hey, you look like you got about two minutes of sleep."

I scoffed softly.  "And you can see me how?" As if searching, I turned my head around and looked about my room, momentarily glancing at the only window in my apartment, a tiny circle six feet from the floor.  Through the bullet proof plastic is the silver steel of the neighboring apartment complex.

"I can hear it in your voice."

I sighed. "Well, you got that right.  I stayed up last night and early this morning doing more research on the case."

"Come over to my place and we can talk about it."

"Your place?" I furrowed my brows in puzzlement.  "I usually don't visit clients in their own homes.  There's danger involved and it might do worse for my reputation."

"Who says our cell line isn't already tapped?"

I froze at that and frowned.  "You could be right, but that doesn't make it any safer going to your place."

"Look, the Nord Wind is still blastin' down from the mountains.  I don't feel like venturing through the flurries just to sit in front of your desk.  And talking on the E-cell is making my head hurt.  Besides... I have a gift here for you and I know you'd like it."

"A gift?" I ask incredulously before sighing.  No matter what I might say to try and convince Ms. Coral otherwise she was bent on me coming over to her place... I didn't know what to think of her intentions on the matter and on her 'gift'.  I had a feeling it wasn't the typical gift.

"Yes, you'll like it.  My driver's waiting for you at your place.  Be seeing you."

"Wait, you can't-" I was cut off by the dial tone.  "Damn," I muttered before clicking the E-cell off.  Quickly getting dressed I sheathed my babies, the rifle, and the IC chip that held all the files to the case.  It was clicked into a secret compartment on the bottom of my boot rubber sole.

Soon I was downstairs outside my apartment, snuggling into my leather coat and gloves when a driver approached me.  He was tall, almost as tall as I am, had slightly curled hair hidden underneath a winter cap, and wore black leather.  His face was familiar to me and I wondered why... I could not place a name to him or even know why I felt I had seen him before.  There was something about his eyes... that just grabbed me.  They reminded me of Ms. Coral's eyes, that seem to move without moving.  The irises swim like tiny little crystals resonating in ice cold water.

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