Henry being nervous about face-timing you.

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Henry had been up for almost a full day, between work and travelling, he had not had the chance to sleep, but he still wanted to talk to you, you hadn't spoken to each other properly for days, both busy with your own lives, but Henry was missing talking to you, so, with a nervous glance at his driver, he shrugged and dug his phone out of his pocket, dialling your number, hitting the face-call option.

As he waited, he anxiously drummed his fingers against the cold leather seats. As the second ticked by, his heart began to race until the moment you answered, where he relaxed, a smile forming as he caught sight of you, "Hey," he greets as he drinks in the soft smile on your own lips, and the fact you were wearing his hoody.
"Hey," you return as you take in the sight of your boyfriend. "How's the filming going?" You ask as you shift your phone, setting it on the counter, in front of yourself.
"Its going," he joked, though as he took in the sight of you, he briefly thought it was taking to long.
"Well thats good," you say amused.

"I miss you," he admits, making you soften slightly, feeling the same, which you tell him. " I should say, we miss you," you tell him, lifting your phone to show Kal, his dog, who was sitting on the floor beside you, who perks up at the sight of his owner. "Hey bear," Henry greets with another smile, a sense of longing to return home overwhelming him.

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