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a/n I've decided to just do daily updates at this point lmao

"You can't say that!" Brian laughed, pushing me gently as we approached the school gates. I grinned, shrugging.

"I'm not wrong, am I? I know that you think she's a miserable old cow, too," I said with a laugh. We'd had a physics lesson first period and our teacher was away again, so rather than just cancelling the lesson as they usually would, we'd been given cover from a different physics teacher. The school finally figured out that people just take cancelled lessons as free periods, it seemed. Good for them.

The teacher that covered our lesson was a witch. I'd not been taught by her since I was in year eight, and we'd hardly seen eye to eye back then. Twelve year old me was much less confrontational than sixteen year old me, and our lesson was borderline explosive.

Brian and I both had a free lesson afterwards, so we'd headed into town and gone to get a coffee, rather than sit around school and risk getting any more riled up. Although I was laughing with Brian, I still felt in a foul mood. I was sure that if we'd hung around, I would have hit someone. Although, the events that were to come invalidated that train of thought entirely.

We'd just got onto school grounds and were heading towards the building, when Brian seemed to hesitate.

"Rog, is that..?" He bit his lip, nodding at a group of kids stood almost out of our line of sight, around the back of a storage building. Almost out of our line of sight. And I recognised one or two of them.

"Oh, fuck this," I groaned, taking my bag off and throwing it at him. I ignored his begging for me to stay calm and stormed off towards the group, not willing to take orders from a fucking poodle. As I neared I could hear their jeers, as well as some loud laughing and, the sound that made my heart wrench, someone begging them to stop. And, whilst it definitely could have been, I was almost certain it wasn't Brian.

"Oh, look who's finally decided to show his face. I wondered how long it would take you," The ugly one snickered. I remembered him from last time, when I'd bashed his head into a locker. If that hadn't told him to back off, I'd need to try something a little stronger.

"I thought I told you guys to fuck off? What don't you understand?" I growled, my gaze flicking to John for a brief second. My face instantly softened, and I looked at Brian before nodding towards John, and he seemed to get the message. I steeled my expression again, turning back towards the ugly dick who'd greeted me.

"Silly boy. Who are you telling us what to do? It's just a bit of fun, eh, Johnny boy?" He cast his eyes over to John, grinning evilly at the clearly pained boy who was trying to escape the grasp of his attackers, and Brian was too awkward to be assertive.

"Let go of him," I muttered, glaring at each boy in turn. There were two of them, one on either of his shoulders, holding them to the wall. They simply laughed at me, looking at each other and raising their eyebrows, until one piped up.

"Or what, Blondie?"

You just made a big mistake, buddy.

"Um, I wouldn't-" Was all I got from Brian before I charged forward, smashing my fist into the jaw of the one who'd spoken to me. He wouldn't be making any more smart comments. With more force than probably necessary, I grabbed John and yanked him out of their grip, practically throwing him at Brian before launching myself at the other boy. I could hear a chorus of both my friends telling me to stop, but nothing could get in my way.

Within seconds I was seeing stars, and not in a good way. I couldn't tell you exactly what happened, just that something hard had come into contact with one side of my face, causing me to smack the other side into another hard object. I was a little dazed as I stepped back and lifted my hand up to rub my face, grimacing when I felt a sticky substance on my hands. This would be a fun one to explain.

I didn't have long to contemplate how to explain my bloody face, however, because more hits were coming my way. Usually, I could win a fight, but in my blind rage I'd not had a chance to analyse each of my competitors. None of them were particularly hench, but that didn't matter too much, when there was five of them and one of me. And Brian, of course, who was helping me so much by standing there, catching flies.


I pulled John against my chest and covered his face, not wanting him to see the ordeal going down in front of us. It was quite the picture, honestly. Tiny, baby-face Roger fighting a gang of kids all a year younger than him. He'd always been hot-headed, ever since I met him. I'd never seen him get so defensive over any person before, however. It was strange, usually he didn't care about people. Didn't get so attached. I could see why John was different.

I wanted to help, I did. But watching one of them hit Roger so hard that his face smashed into the wall intimidated me, and I knew I'd be nothing but a liability to him if I got involved. All I could do was stand there to be a witness, and make sure nobody pulled a knife.

I held John tighter against me as Roger swung back, the heel of his hand making hard enough contact with the boy's face to make him stagger backwards, startling him enough for Rog to shove him to the ground seconds before one of the others grabbed him. Roger took a couple of hard punches from the guy as he blindly flailed his arms around, clearly dazed from the knock to his head. I winced with each blow, wanting nothing more than to take John as far away as possible, but I needed to hang around for Roger.

I was glad I did. When the blond eventually made contact with his attacker, it was a hard blow to the nuts. And he didn't stop there, oh no. He began to pummel the other boy's chest, finally causing me to push John aside and step in. I grabbed Roger by his shoulders and pulled him away from the poor boy he was beating, quickly picking John's bag up. The younger boys all seemed in a state of shock, and their previously cocky demeanour was completely gone.

"If I see any of you near him again, you will not live another day, hear?" He growled, glaring at them all. I had to admit, with his hair a mess and blood on his face, he did look pretty menacing. All of the boys grumbled something that he took as them agreeing, to which he replied with an angry spit in their direction. "Good. Fucking scram!"

They all hurried off, leaving me to deal with a broken John and a seething Roger, who would be bald in no time with the force he was using to tug at his hair. Neither of them were in any state to hang around.

"Come on, boys. Let's get out of here." I said, to which they both agreed. At least they were both still alive.

Sorry for the pov switch. It'll be back to roger in the next chapter. I'd rather do the change in a new chapter if I was going to do it at all, but with roger in a blind fit of rage he probably wouldn't see much during the fight and publishing the povs separately doesn't make much sense. Idk where I'm going with this a/n it's very rambly I'm sorry, thank you for 900 reads!!

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