A difficult day

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Sayori's POV:

  A dark, lonely, void. I walk towards an object not that far away from where I stand. As soon as I start walking I fear I'm being followed. I start sprinting to the object. As soon as I get close to it, I see that it's a desk. Being my curious self, I open the drawer. "..." It's a noose.


   I wake up. Apparently I fell off my bed, waking me up. Another nightmare. I thought to myself, today is a new day. Let's not make it as bad as yesterday.

  It's gonna be worse than yesterday.

No it won't.

  I tell myself that every day, even though it's not true most of the time. Yesterday was the worst one by far. I humiliated myself in front of my crush, Monika.

  I hated my self for saying her name. I couldn't help it. It's not my fault I tripped,

Is it?

(A/N) ello my little tooniez this is only an introduction chapter so it won't be as long as the other ones I'm gonna write, lemme know if you want more

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