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3rd Pov:

After walking in silence for what felt like hours, Monika decided to speak.

"So, what's up?"

Sayori didn't know how to respond to this at all, 'What's up?! what the hell does she mean by that?' she thought.

"I, uh, the sky... is up..." Failing to act smoothly, Sayori declared in her mind that it was panic time-

Monika's giggle rips her out of the spiral into darkness.

"No, silly, I mean what's been going on," She turns to Sayori with a concerned look on her face. "You seemed out of it today."

"We, I, well I just didn't get enough sleep," She wasn't entirely lying, that nightmare shook her so much that she didn't sleep for the rest of the night. "that's it."

She gives her trademark, 'It's all fine, don't worry!' smile.

Monika faltered for a second, before responding. "Oh, ah, okay then." Slightly disappointed at the fact that her ice-breaker didn't really work.


Upon arriving at Sayori's home, the coral haired girl rushed inside after a quick goodbye.

This left Monika, alone on the sidewalk, really confused. She started talking to herself.

"I don't get it, does she hate me? She wouldn't have been so quiet and leave so quickly if she liked me." She thought long and hard upon this, before ultimately deciding that she'll ask Sayori about it tomorrow. She was tired, drowsiness already donning her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2020 ⏰

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