The Avengers Project

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There was a man in a trenchcoat standing on a hill.The hill overlooked a house in a isolated location near new york city.There was a decently sized house attached to a garage.The faint noise of someone working inside could be heard once the man stepped closer to the garage.This is where he'd find his last recruit.

The boy working inside the garage had short reddish hair and emerald green eyes.He wiped sweat from his brow moving the hair plastered to his forehead as a result.He then heard a knock at the garage door.

"Come in o mysterious stranger standing outside my house"i snarked in reply
The door opened to reveal a man in a trenchcoat,with no hair,dark skin,and a goatee.

"Caleb Stone,i presume?"The mystery man said.
I recognized that voice and saw the face in a mirror near me.
"Nicholas Joeseph Fury.The man who fought the first aliens the world saw,yet never remembered,and legendary director of shield."
"Was all that right,Eyepatch?"
Fury froze momentarily when i said his name.
He composed himself.
"So you're the kid i've heard so much about over the last 48hours.
"Well if you're looking for a autograph i'll have to decline,Eyepatch."
There was a moment of silence.
I sighed "Look Nick,what do you want?"
"Last person who called me Nick-
"Is galaxies away by now."
"Now whaddya want?"
"I need you to come with me to stop the man from Germany.His name is-"
"I know his name,he told us before he made them kneel."
"Then you already know why he needs to be stopped"
"Fine,i'll join your super-secret boy band or whatever this is."
"Pack your bags,Stone"
"Already done,eyepatch."I motioned towards the duffel bag near the door.
"Grab anything not in the bag then get in the car."
I moved to collect a few tools from my workbench and shove them in my bag.
I eyed a small black metal briefcase.My main project for the last 48hours since germany.
I hesitated briefly,and checked to see if Fury was looking.He'd already left.
I grabbed the case in one hand,and the bag in another.
Before i left i wrote about what just happened and that i'd be back.Hopefully.and also to not tell my mother about it.
As i got into the blacked out car Fury said something
"By the way this isn't One Direction."
"Then whaddya want me to call it?"
"The Avengers Project".

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