The Battle Of New York Pt 2

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I turned to see Bruce Banner himself who was.....casually riding towards us,through the decimated street on a motorcycle.
"So,this all seems horrible."
Romanoff spoke.
"I've seen worse."
"Sorry about that."
"No,we could actually use worse right now."
Bruce gave Romanoff the blankest look I've ever seen.
I sighed.
"What Romanoff is trying to say,is that we need your big green ass right now."
Stark came on over the earpiece
"Heads up,i'm bringing the party to you."
We turned to see a huge-ass chitauri leviathan flying in our direction behind Stark.
Romanoff spoke up.
"I-I don't see how that's a party."
Bruce turned towards the leviathan before Cap said something to make him turn back.
"Doctor Banner,now might be a good time to get angry."
Bruce just smirked.
"That's my secret,Cap. I'm always angry.."
In a flash,Bruce became the hulk and stopped the leviathan with one.punch.
Stark rushed forward to fire missiles into it,blowing it up.
Everyone ducked.
Suddenly more chitauri were on the buildings..way more.
We all formed up in a circle,The Hulk roaring,Hawkeye nocking an arrow,Black Widow loading her guns,Thor twirling his hammer around in his hand,I was somewhere between Rogers and Stark.
We all stood facing the huge sky portal...and aliens were pouring out of it.
Stark broke the silence.
"Call it,Captain."
Rogers started strategizing at us.
"Alright guys,listen up."
"Until we can close that portal,our priority is containment."
"Barton,i want you on that roof,call out pattterns and strays."
"Stark,you got the perimeter,anything goes more than three blocks out,turn it back,or turn it to ash."
"Can you give me a lift?"
Stark walked over to Barton and grabbed what was presumably his back.
"Better clench up,Legolas."
They flew off to a rooftop and Cap adressed Thor next.
"Thor,you got to try and bottleneck that portal."
"Slow them down."
"You got the lightining,light the bastards up."
Thor started spinning his hammer and flew off.
Cap then adressed Romanoff,who was looking at him.
"You and me,we stay on the ground,keep the fighting here."
He turned to the hulk.
"And Hulk...Smash."
The Hulk grinned and leapt off to go smash aliens.
I just looked at Rogers.
"So..what are my orders?"
"Find Loki,get the as many as you can."
I nodded.
Everything was silent for a moment.
"Good luck,Ice-Pop."
I ran off to go find a certain horn-helmeted demigod...and also get to the rooftops.
I leapt onto a chitauri as i rejoined the ground fight next to Romanoff.
She whirling around with a chitauri...gun-staff?
Seriously,what the hell do you call those things?
She almost took Cap's head off as he came down behind us.
I spoke.
"Cap,none of this fighting is gonna mean a damn thing if we can't close that portal."
"You'll need a ride if you wanna get up there."
I looked up briefly at chitauri on...hover things.
"I have a ride..."
"Just need a boost."
I walked past Romanoff and turned back around to face Cap,who put his shield up.
I ran at him slightly and bounced off his shield to land on one of the hover things.
I turned..right into a building.
Soon i came upon the Hulk moving a leviathan and traded places with Romanoff,who jumped off a rooftop onto the hover thing as i leapt onto the leviathan's back.
Thor came down and blasted several aliens,Hulk picked up a piece of the leviathan and jammed it back into it,then Thor lit it up with lightning as i pummled various chitauri with Hawkeye's aid.
I saw some chitauri sieging a building full of civillians and radioed Hawkeye.
"Barton,on my mark fire a rope arrow..civillians in a building with the chitauri over there i can't get to.
I pointed at the building and saw Hawkeye nod in the distance.
The Hulk looked at me,at least somewhat recognizing the name.
"I could use a boost.."
He nodded,evidently somewhat understanding what i was asking for.
I climbed into his hand carefully.
"On my mark...NOW!"
The Hulk launched me in the direction of the building as Hawkeye shot an arrow at a part of the building.
I grabbed it and swung through a window,breaking the glass,and surprising both the chitauri and the various office workers trapped in the building.
"Everyone..maybe keep your heads down."
I started pummeling the various Chitauri and finished a few off with a gunstaff,and the last one with an literally electric uppercut.
I adressed the semi-terrrified people.
"Everyone,stay calm..get to safety and hunker down..fighting won't last much longer."
I leapt out onto a hoverthing Loki was on JUST as it exploded,courtesy of a hawkeye arrow,sending us both spiraling through a tower window,me for the second time.
I landed onto the floor of the same section of the tower we were in previously.
"Ow..twice that's happened to me today.."
I stood up,as did Loki.
He looked at me with an expression of disbelief.
"Yeah,turns out i'm harder to kill than you thought."
I took up a fighting stance.
Loki laughed.
"You really think you'll be able to stop me?"
"Given i kicked your ass back in Germany,yeah,i do."
"If anything,you should probably be a little scared."
He laughed again.
"Of a mere child,like you?"
He suddenly rushed at me with the staff in hand.
I tried to fight him off with the gauntlets,then i realized something.
They broke.
I fought back,minus my gauntlets which i left on the floor,trading blows with the god,until ultimately i stole the scepter and knocked him down,holding it to his throat.
He just smirked.
"You're tougher than i thought..."
He then proceeded to flip me over,and knock the staff out of my hand,and across the floor.
"But you're still just a mortal boy."
He attempted to slice my throat,but was stopped when the Hulk lauched himself through a window and into Loki,sending him crashing across the floor,and leaving me unharmed...mostly.
I got up and walked over to the staff and picked it up,when i heard Loki shout.
"I am a god...i refuse to be bullied by-"
He was promptly picked up and slammed around by the Hulk.
He was left in a small Loki-shaped crater in the presumably expensive floor.
The Hulk scoffed.
"Puny God."
I just smirked and nodded in agreement.
By now i had gotten to the tesseract and was preparing to close the portal with the staff,after a quick conversation with Dr.Selvig.
Then something...not so good was approaching.
"Oh fuck."
I radioed the other Avengers.
" seeing the nuclear missile,or have i officially gone bonkers?"
What followed was a simultaneous string of swears.
I radioed Fury next.
"What the hell's going on?!"
"I couldn't stop the launch..they wouldn't listen."
I then saw Stark doing something crazy.
"Stark,what are you doing?"
I got no response.
He then grabbed the missile and skimmed the side of the Stark Tower as he brought it upwards and into the portal..that i was closing.
There was a beat of tension as Stark flew into the portal.
"C'mon Tony..."
I soon saw the chitauri sort of powering off.
And saw Tony falling out of the portal as it closed.
I leapt off from the tower,sceptere in hand and landed just as the Hulk caught Tony as he fell.
We all kind of rushed towards him in worry,and Thor ripped off his helmet's faceplate.
Steve put his head to Tony's chest to find a heartbeat and silently pulled his head back.
We all sat in silence & shock for a moment.
Then the Hulk roared.
Tony sprung to life,gasping for breath.
The Hulk roared again,just for good measure.
Steve smiled slightly in a dorky,relieved way.
Tony spoke.
"What the hell?"
Thor stepped closer to Tony and was somewhere between a smile and a smirk.
"What just happened?"
"Please tell me nobody kissed me."
I laughed,relieved and shocked,while also smiling slightly.
"We won."
Tony visibly relaxed.
He spoke,still gasping for breath.
"Good job,guys."
"Let's just not come in tommorow."
"Let's just take a day."
"Have you ever tried shawarma?"
Steve laughed slightly and his dorky smile grew.
Tony continued speaking.
"There's a shawarma joint about two blocks from here."
"I don't know what it is,but i wanna try it."
Thor looked up towards the tower,where Loki still resided.
"We're not finished yet."
Pretty much everyone looked up toward the tower,even Tony,though being on the ground,his capacity to look up was not great.
"And then shawarma after."
Loki pulled himself slightly up out of the little crater.
He turned to face us all posing in front of him,me at the front,holding the scepter to his neck.
He looked at all of us.
"If it's all the same to you...i'll have that drink now."
This chapter took...about a decade to write..but the end result was good,in my opinion,though some sections were less than stellar,but that happens.
I swear the sequel will be started this month.
This isn't the last chapter...we still have an epilogue with some jokes,and actually an endgame's essentially a really big wind-down from all the heroic posing,nuke throwing,etc,etc that just happened.
Tell me if you liked it.
Tell me if you despised it with all your soul.
If you have suggestions for how to improve,list them.

Avengers:OriginOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora