Helicarriers,Snarky Inventors,and Patronizing Nicknames ptII

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"I'm sorry,you're going to make weapons with it?!"
"Are you out of your damn mind,Fury?!"
"That thing could end us all!"
"I'm trying to prevent those weapons from being made!"
"Unfortunately i'm still governed by others,as much as i hate it."
Then Thor and Romanoff walked in.
Bruce started in on her.
"Did you know about this?"
"Why don't you remove yourself from this enviroment."
And now stark won't shut up
"Why shouldn't he blow off some steam?"
Ok now i'm mad
So was Cap.
"You know damn well why."
"Great,now Rogers has a Mini Me."
"Hey,he forced our hand."
Nick was pointing at Thor.
"Yes,you.Or did you forget about your vacation to New Mexico?"
Now it was bruce.
"Your plan was to make weapons of mass destruction? For what?"
Stark piped up this time
"Nuclear deterrent.Cause that always works so well."
"Remind me how you made your fortune again,Stark?"
"How is this all about me now?"
Now Rogers is riled up.
"Isn't it always?"
Then everyone started going off.
My head.
We should be focusing on loki right now.
I eyed the scepter.
It wasn't glowing before.
I Need to stop this....but how?
The stone's in the staff.
But the top's not encased.
I grabbed the stone.
"Hey-Hey-You idiots,just-"
I whistled loud enough my own ears popped.
I placed the stone back.
"That crafty son of a-"
Then a boom shook the ship.
"Hotrod,Capsicle go fix the engine,Romanoff....Already left with banner......Fury get me eyes on every part of the ship. Goldilocks......also left."
"I'll catch up with the other three,now move!"
Shockingly they nodded.
Fury slid me the case from earlier.
"Don't forget these."
I ran for loki's containment chamber.

A/N:I know this chapter was much shorter than the last,but i got sick of trying to pull quotes,so i just made some of it up as i went.Everything else'll still be pretty accurate to the movie down to most of the lines.That means the chapters are gonna take me a few days.
Also! Can you guess what's in the case?
Btw,italics are Caleb's thoughts and normal text is descriptions/dialogue.

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