Helicarriers,Snarky Inventors,and Patronizing Nicknames pt I

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By now a few hours had passed.Somewhere along the way me and Eyepatch split up,i went in the helicopter,he went........somewhere.After a few more minutes as the ocean went by beneath us,i saw my first glimpse of shield's biggest project(literally) the helicarrier.This thing had 4 ginormous jet engines lifting it into the air and multiple runways and helipads for aircraft.We landed and i headed down the stairs into the bridge.
This is when i saw two people,a man that looked maybe 25,27 with blond hair,no facial hair and blue eyes.The other guy had brown eyes,and black hair with some graying in various spots.he looked to be in his early 30s maybe even 40s judging by the gray hairs.Then it hit me like a truck full of vibranium bricks.
The blond was the long-presumed dead Captain America a.k.a Steve Rogers.The other guy was Dr.Bruce Banner a.k.a The Incredible Hulk.Then a woman entered after a few seconds.I recognized her.She was Natasha Romanoff a former russian super-spy,effectively russia's answer to Captain America.She had scarlet hair and looked to be about 28.She went by Black Widow.
Fury walked towards me
"Mr.Stone. Thank you for-"
"Caleb works fine for me,Eyepatch."
Rogers spoke up
"So there's that wit Fury told me about"
I glanced towards Romanoff.
"I'm guessing you already know my name?"
She nodded.
"Doctor Banner,i've heard a lot about you.Your work on gamma rays and other sciences is unparalled."
"The fact that your body and mind can survive what it does shows that you're stronger than you believe.Your green friend just helps add to it."
"Thanks for the pep talk,i guess?"
"You looked like you needed it,Doc."
There was one other man i hadn't seen before.He had long blond hair,and a beard.He carried a hammer and dressed in a set of armor that was as familliar as it was alien.His name was Thor,Norse god of thunder.The hammer in his hand was the legendary Mjolnir
We began talking about the problem at hand.
I started "So loki seeks to take over earth with an army at hand."
Rogers spoke up."He needs the tesseract for this why?"
This time Thor's voice boomed out."He needs the tesseract to open a portal to summon an army of aliens known as the chitauri."
"I wanna know why he let us capture him.He's not leading an army from here."
Banner spoke next."I don't think we should be focusing on Loki.That guy's brain is like a bag of cats.You can smell the crazy coming off of him."
"Take care with how you speak.Loki is beyond reason but he is of Asgard and he's my brother."
Romanoff looked up at the god."he killed 80 people in 2 days.
Thor almost immediatly backtracked."He's adopted."
Banner spoke again."I think it's about the mechanics.Iridium,what does he need the iridium for?"
Then a final person entered our mishmash of spies,kids,soldiers,gods,and scientists with one more person.
He had brown hair,and a carefully styled goatee-beard thing of the same color.He also had brown eyes.This man was none other than the Invincible Iron Man,and leader of stark industries,Tony Stark.
We spoke in unison aswering Bruce's question.
"Stabilizing agent.Knees,So the portal doesn't collapse."
"Also means the portal can open as wide and stay open as long as Loki wants."
He looked at me,eyes widened in suprise after that.
"Nice one,Half-Pint."
He spoke to Thor next "No hard feelings,you gotta mean swing Point Break."
Well,at least someone else here will understand what i'm saying....and also shares my love of nicknames.
He said some sailor speak he clearly didn't understand,or if he did he didn't show it.
Then this happened.
"THAT MAN IS PLAYING GALAGA.He thought we wouldn't notice,but we did."
"IS HE PLAYING GALAGA?In the middle of a world-ending crisis,this guy's plyaing Galaga."
Rogers spoke up "Great now there's two inventors who just can't slow it down,and they both have the snark to match."
I started giggling while Stark frowned.
"If you can't wrap your head around it Capsicle,ask and we'll slow down."
Stark,Banner,and I all took turns speaking.
"He'd have to heat the cube to 120,0000 degrees kelvin just to get past the cooling barrier."
"Unless Selvig's found a way to master the quantum tumbling effect."
"Stark,if he could do that he could acheive ion fusion in any reactor on the planet."
"Finally two people that speak english."
Then he started talking to banner which went.....downhill to say the least.
Eyepatch stepped in.
"Dr.Banner is solely here to track the cube.I was hoping you'd join him."
Capsicle started going again.
"Let's start with that stick of his,it may be magic but it looks an awful lot like a hydra weapon."
"I don't know about that but it is powered by the cube,and i'd like to know how it turned the two sharpest men i know into his personal flying monkeys."
"Monkeys?I do not-"
"I do! I get that reference!
Stark rolled his eyes so hard that if he rolled them any harder they'd have popped out of his head.
"Shall we play,doctor?"
"Right this way."
"Care to join us.....?"
"Certaintly.i'm Caleb,by the way.
Now one would assume nothing could go any worse after all that.But oh no,you are very wrong.
It got worse.About an hour later,it got a little.......rocky.

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