Time Bomb

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I sprinted down the corridors,trying to remember what led where.
Come on,i hacked into their servers last year and memorized the blueprints for this place and yet i can't find one-
A voice interrupted my internal thoughts.
What..no,who was that?
It was female voice.
"I swear to you on my life that i will get you out of-"
It was..the voice of the black widow.
Oh. Romanoff. Okay...that doesn't sound like a great situation.
I got to a door,and managed it down.
And was summarily greeted with Bruce Banner hulking out right in front of my eyes.
Ohhhhh shit.
Where the hell am i supposed to fight a HULK?!
Focus. Romanoff's kinda in danger.
Oh god..this is stupid...
My next course of action,was of course to taunt the Hulk.Like a perfectly rational human.
"Hey! Greenie!"
He was almost done transforming,so i had..very little time.
I managed to kick a pipe right into his nose..severely pissing him off.
He snarled,and i smirked,despite myself.
"Catch me if you can,slowpoke."
I then turned around and started sprinting.
The hangar..i can get to the hangar..that has enough space..probably.
I then hung a right down a wider corridor
Thankfully,the Hulk was not too far behind..depending on how you define thankfully.
I managed to beat Banner's alter ego to the hangar,where i very quickly opened the black case.
Inside were two very important objects.
My biggest project since Germany.
Shock gauntlets.Which would hopefully be enough to at least stun the big green fucker.
They had segmented armor plates over the knuckles and down my fingers with two battery packs attatched to the forearm section.These were attached to wires that wove around though various conductors into tesla coils in the gaps between the armor plates.
I managed to strap them on,about 2 seconds before Hulk got through the door.
God,i hope these work.
Suddenly,a big green hand tried to swipe at me,which i narrowly dodged.
He tried to flatten me like a pancake,which i dodged again.
Hmm..test time..can you springboard off a giant green fist?
I bounced up off his closes fist and clocked him square in the jaw,electricity running through his body and knocking him a sizeable distance.
Which i was too hopped up on adrenaline to notice at the time.
Thankfully,Thor got in the hanger after that.
I turned to the norse god and walked right by him and almost out of the hangar.
I shouted behind me.
"I'll leave this to you,Goldilocks."
Now all i had to do was find Romanoff & (probably) Barton.
Okay..now to find Romanoff,again..and probably Barton..well,it can't get harder than the fuckin hulk,now can it?
Yes. Yes it could. Especially when your're trying to help Steve Rogers and Tony Stark fix a helicarrier engine.
"Well,i'm outta ideas...either of you dumbasses have anything?
Tony's voice sounded clearer than you'd think going through an earpiece i made 20 minutes prior after the one i took busted.
"Cap,check the relay box."
"On it."
There was a pause and a grunt of effort,presumably Rogers heading to the relay box.
"What's it look like in there Cap?
"Well,it seems to run on some form of electricity."
Sweet jesus,how old IS he?
I sighed and facepalmed.
"Well,you're not wrong."
"Tony,any idea's on jumpstarting the rotor?"
"Yeah,i should be able to go inside the rotor itself and fix it that way."
Me and Cap both had some concerns about that plan,apparently."
"You'll get chopped into bits if you try that."
"I know Rogers,that's where the next part of my plan comes in."
"That standard control unit can reverse the polarity long enough to disengage maglev so i can-"
"Speak English!"
Dear lord,this was a mistake
"See the red lever,Cap?"
"Wait on Hotrod's signal then pull it."
"Got it"
Now,where are they.......
There they are!
I spied Black Widow & Hawkeye approaching one another in a bizzare corridor.
I dropped down from my hiding place above said corridor ,and put Hawkeye into a chokehold.
Which lasted for all of eight seconds before i was effectively thrown into the walls.
Black widow stared trading blows,doing crazy dodges,and spinning off bars above.
I started to pick some of that up once she went down momentarily.
He swung with the bow,attempting to put me in a chokehold by catching the bowstring on my neck.
I dodged the initial swing,and roundhouse kicked his face.
The impact made him stagger into a wall.
I heard Black Widow call out.
She slid a mid-length cord with two grips attached to both ends towards me.
I caught it,and managed to flip over his head and wrap the cord around his neck,putting him in a more succesful chokehold.
This gave her the perfect opprotunity to send a kick to his chest,which gave me the momentum to flip him over me and knock Hawkeye out.
After a minute,the ex-assasin spoke.
"Where'd a kid like you learn how to fight like that?"
I smiled somewhat and fiddled with my hands.
"Self-defense classes my mom made me take when i was six or seven."
"Huh. You're..unnervingly good at this for a 10 year old."
"Eh. I've been better. I'm actually kinda rusty."
Her eyes widened and her eyebrows raised in confusion and surprise..which is rare for her.
"That was you being "rusty"??!"
Then i heard a groan from our right,cutting off our conversation
"What the hell did i hit my head on for it to be hurting this bad?"
The woman beside me smirked.
"The kid kicked your ass,Barton. That's why your head hurts."
The archer's brow rose in confusion as he looked at me.
"I..wha..you knocked me out?"
"Yeah.So,you good now or am i gonna have to do that twice?"
"Yeah,i'm good."
A look of visible confusion dawned on Hawkeye's face as he finally realized he was staring down a child.
"Wait-who are-"
"Long story,just call me Caleb."
Then i heard a voice over my earpiece.
"Stone!Get to the bridge ASAP!"
It was Fury.
"Got it."
I looked at the two S.H.I.EL.D agents,who nodded.
"We'll follow you,kid."
"Okay...let's go,that sounded bad."
Turns out,things had gone to absolute shit.
Loki killed Coulson.
And we were all pretty pissed..we did have a plan,though.
"Look,this is going to be near impossible,but it's our last shot."
"We have one chance to stop Loki."
Tony spoke up.
"Kid,maybe you should sit this one out."
"Hell no."
"I have a stake in this too,Stark."
"What about this could be so important to you?"
Black Widow cleared her throat.
"Tony,we all have our reasons to fight."
"I've got red in my ledger.I'd like to clear it out."
"Plus,he can fight better than most.I've seen him in action,and he's no slouch."
Her eyes widened in mild surprise.
She walked off,needing a minute to think.
"Stark,Fury chose me for a reason.i have no idea why.I mean,i'm just a kid from Queens."
"A kid who's easily as intelligent as me,and just bossed around several adults without batting an eyelash."
"That doesn't mean i can build a badass armor suit,like you,or that i have any special abilities like Cap."
Cap spoke.
"From what i know about you,being a hero's in your DNA."
"Doesn't mean i'm the right person for ANY OF THIS!"

The room was in silence.
Then Tony had a eureka moment.
"He made it personal."
"That's not the-"
"It is for him."
"He attacked us right where we live,why?"
"To tear us apart."
"Yeah divide & conquer is great,but he knows he has to take us all out to win,right?"
"He wants to beat us,and he wants to be seen doing it."
"We caught his act in stuttgart."
"Yeah,but that was a preview,this is opening night."
"And Loki,he's a full-tilt-diva,right?"
"He wants flowers,he wants parades."
"He wants a monument to the sky with his name....."
We all raised an eybrow,even eyepatch.
"Son of a bitch."
I walked off with Cap to find Hawkeye.
We found them in the same room.
Steve spoke.
"Time to go."
Widow was lost.
"Go where?"
"I'll tell you on the way."
"Can you fly one of those jets?"
This time it was Barton who talked.
"I can."
I raised an eyebrow at Natasha.
She nodded.
"You got a suit?"
He nodded.
"Then suit up."

We loaded into a quinjet that fury had given us.
Cap,widow and,hawkeye would touch down after me and Tony had distracted loki.....ish,and Thor hadn't actually told us his plan.
As i stepped into the quinjet,expecting what was likely my doom,i was NOT expecting a pep talk from everyone else.
Cap started the weird mess of a speech.
"You took on Loki.You defied a literal god,and then punched him in the face."
Then Stark.
"You managed to boss around a bunch of grown adults,without batting an eyelash,"
Then Romanoff.
"You fought the angriest thing on this earth,and lived."
Finally,Hawkeye ended it off.
"You manged to beat my ass,even if you had some help,that's still pretty big."
It came back round to Cap.
"I think we can all agree,you may not be able to do everything we can,and you might just be a random kid from queens,but in our book,you've earned your place in....whatever this is."
I smiled,
We were approaching the eleventh hour now.
God,i hope this works.
A/N Fuckin Finally.
If i keep up the inspiration,i may just get to a sequel thingy-bop before April.
Btw,my Giver fic,is taking a decade to write chapter 2 for and yet,i already have a 3rd chapter mostly finished.
How the hell does that work?
Told you i'd change the ending.

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