The Battle of New York Pt 1

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Me and Tony both touched down on his weird Iron Man landing pad thingy.
Loki was waiting on us,or at least he was waiting on Stark.
Then JARVIS' voice rang out.
"Sir,the mark VII is not ready for deployment."
We were a little too pressed for time for that to matter.
"Then skip the spinning rims,we're on the clock."
JARVIS spoke to me next.
"Caleb,the shock absorbers still need calibrat-"
"JARVIS,we're out of time,i'll just calibrate it on the way down."
We walked through the balcony doors,with what in hindsight was a REALLY horrible plan.

Loki just couldn't resist a snarky line or two.

"Please tell me your going to appeal to my humanity."
At this point,i chimed in.
"No,actually,we're here to threaten you.
"Should've left your armor on for that."
Tony,who was mostly silent was next.
"Seen a bit of mileage,and you have the,uh,glow stick of destiny."
"Want a drink?"
"Stalling me won't change anything."
"You sure,no drink?"
"Well,i'm havin one."
"The Chitauri are coming.There's nothing you can do to change that."
"What have i to fear?"
My turn
"The Avengers."
Loki's face was a odd,priceless look of confusion.
"It's what we call ourselves."
Tony was back to yakking his way through this plan.
"Sorta like a team,Earth's Mightiest Heroes type of thing."
Loki didn't look exactly impressed.
"Yes.I've met them."
"Takes us a while to get any traction,i'll give you that."
"Let's do a headcount here."
"Your brother,Thor,the demigod."
"A super soldier,a living legend that kinda lives up to the legend."
Tony discreetly-ish slipped on two silver tracking bracelets.
I,was already in my basic combat outfit.
It was a black,shield agent kinda thing,with a holster on my right thigh,in case i needed it,sleeves that were rolled up just above my forearm,my two signature shock guantlets,and black combat boots with two metal strips at the bottom of the toe & heel.
"A man with breathtaking anger management issues."
"Two master assasins."
"A pint-sized turbogenius,with the attitude to match."
He ruffled my hair with that last sentence.
"And you,big fella,have managed to piss off every single one of them."
"That was the plan."
I chimed back into the bizarre duet-speech,once more before letting Stark take the lead.
"Not a very good plan."
"When they come,and they will,they'll come for you."
"I have an army."
"We have a hulk!"
"Oh i thought the beast had wandered off."
I stepped in front of Tony as we both approached Loki.
I took over the speeching,again.
"You're missing the point,there is no throne,there is no version of this where come out on top."
"Maybe your army comes,and maybe it's too much for us,but it's all on you."
Tony took over the last line of our speech.
"Cause if we can't protect the earth,you can be damn well sure we'll avenge it."

Loki just walked towards us and smirked.

"How will your friends have time for me,when they're so busy fighting you?

He jabbed the scepter into my chest.

I braced myself,and then.......clink.

He tried again....clink.

"This usually works."
"Well,performance issues."
His head snapped up from where he'd been staring at my chest,utterly perplexed at the clinking.
"Not uncommon.1 out of 5-"
He picked me up by the neck.
He walked over to the window.
I managed to choke out a few words to JARVIS.
I got thrown out the window just as the shock absorbers launched.
It felt like everything was in slow motion.
Then i felt the absorbers click into place on my boots
Then i heard a scream.
Tony was also falling down the damn skyscraper.
Then i saw the mark VII attach to Tony and assemble itself around him.
I turned back to realize i was hitting the ground. Fast.
i braced for impact with the floor,and possible ejection of my shins from my legs when i was suddenly being lifted up,and placed onto the ground.

It was Tony.

"Kid,get everyone else. Steal Loki's Glowstick."
" Got it,Hotrod."

Tony blasted off to go shoot Loki in the face,while i ran off to find the rest of our motley crew of superpowered weirdos.

"Cap,Widow,come in!"
"Any of you there?"
I took a minute,but i heard a reply,with static bursting through
"Yeah,we're here!"
It was Cap.
"Ok,good,look Tony's gone to go do....something,and has tasked me with getting us to regroup somewhere."
Romanoff spoke next.
"Grand central oughta be a good place."
"Got it.Barton,get them there quick."
I heard a strange-ass,mechanical noise.
Then i looked up.
There was a huge portal ripping a hole in the sky.
"Ok,You guys seeing that,or have i finally lost it?"
"Yep,we see it,kid."
"Ok,good....see you in 10."
I finally made to Grand central and saw Tony,flying high through the Chitauri.
But no Cap,Widow,or Barton.
"Stark,you see the golden trio anywhere?"
He stopped and scanned the skies.
"Nothing on my sensors or in the sky."
I started to respond when i heard a scream.Two screams,actually.
Two VERY VERY familliar sounding screams.
Then i saw the quinjet,sparks coming from the engines,and generally looking beat to all hell,come down.
"Stark,how long will it be before they touch down?"
"65 seconds,why?"
"Ok,that's.....nowhere near enough time....."
Oh......FUCK IT!
"You make sure they land safe,got it?"
I turned and ran in the direction of the screams.
"Yeah,i've-Kid,where the hell are you going??"
"Heard screams this way,i'm making sure people are safe."
"Kid,you need to-"
He didn't even finish the sentence,and i was at a very destroyed building,half-collapsed....but there was still an entrance.
I pulled out a domino mask i got last minute as something to make me less recognizable,and put it on my face.
I ran into the building and confirmed my suspicions.
There was a boy,my age,blue eyes,curly brown disaster hair,halfway buried under some debris & rubble,through a doorway.
I played up my accent.
"Hey,anyone in here?"
"I'm in here!"
I ran towards the boy and tried to lift the mess.
I got it part way up before my fingers slipped,and i had to slip myself partway under it.
I tried again,and lifted the rubble off him.
"You alright?"
His eyes suddenly widened.
Then Peter started freaking the hell out.
"My aunt,she was around here,we have to find her."
Before my friend could launch himself into more danger,i put a hand on his shoulder.
"Hey.It'll be okay.Now where's your aunt?"
"She was through there."
He pointed to another section of the ruined building.
I nodded.
"Find a safe location and hunker down,i'll find your aunt."
He nodded and hunkered down soemwhere.
I ran through the decimation.
I looked at my watch.
30 seconds.
That was all the time i had left to find May and get her and Peter the hell out of here.
"Anyone in here?"
I came to a room,that had broken rafters,and a VERY unstable ceiling.
May was under one of those rafters.
I ran over.
I lifted the wood off of May,and checked my watch again.
23 seconds.
"Thank you."
"Your nephew's back the way i came."
"I'll take you to him."
I walked back through the building with may,avoiding the occasional collapsing roof,or plasma blast.
I finally got May back to Peter.
His head snapped up.
"Aunt May!"
"You two need to go find the police,i've got an invasion to stop."
I checked my watch again.
13 seconds.
I ran off in the other direction.
I turned around and stopped.
"Who are you?"
I smirked.
"You'll see."
I turned back around and ran back in Tony's direction.
And i made it just in time to see the quinjet crash,and be beset by a new wave of chitauri.
Thor had joined back up with the group while i was gone.
I uppercut one of the soldiers,and stole the staff of another,and used it it to take out the others,with the aid of everyone else,finishing off the last one with an unexpected plasma shot.
Cap,Romanoff,and Barton imediately rounded on me.
"Where the hell were you?!"
"Taking a rain check,now let's-"
I heard the vague noise of an engine behind us,and turned around,and lo and behold....

A/N:Boom cliffhanger!
So,what'd ya think of the chapter?
I realize the scene with Peter and May might've felt forced or implausible.
Or at least it sorta felt that way writing it.
Buuuuuuut,i've kinda woven this into the canon enough,and i liked the scene,so i kept it.
Was it worth the wait?
Probably not.

Avengers:OriginOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz