✴️12. Inveigle✴️

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V. To entice, lure, or ensnare by flattery or artful talk or inducements.

Amon Perceval

"Fuck!" I ripped open the door to the locker room where Remy was changing.  He jumped when he saw me storm in.  His eye was swollen shut on the right from Callum's wicked southpaw.  "You fucked up Remy!  You fucked up!" I screamed in his face.

He stood up and found the chair he had been seated in behind him.  "Fuck you." He seethed.  "It's just a fucking game.  That's all everything is.  We're taking care of it anyways." His tone quieted down and I relented some.

"I don't care. You were on television, you were in front of an audience, you had everyone watching you fail.  And to top it off, it was against that piece of shit drunk." I spit at his feet.  I could feel him growing tense.  Remy's dirty blonde hair was matted down in sweat and blood.  Most of his injuries had been cleaned up, but he still looked like hell.  "He's making them laugh at you, at us!"

Remy blew out a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair.  "You don't need to fucking tell me. I know.  I couldn't beat him." He sounded more confused that disappointed.

"What do you mean you couldn't beat him?  We both know that's a crock of shit.  We can break anybody we wanted to at anytime.  I've seen you kill a man with your mind on what was for breakfast the next day." I narrowed my eyes at him.

Remy looked up, bewildered, "I know, and I'm telling you I couldn't beat him.  I tried, he was...strong.  Not stronger I don't think, but he was strong enough to throw me off."

My brows knit together at his words.  "That's impossible." I laughed at his ludicrous ramblings.

Remy grabbed my shoulders and squeezed.  "It's not!  Callum...he...I don't know.  But I know what happened, I know that I tried.  He's-"

"You don't think he's like us do you?" I prompted.

He shook his head.  "No, no, not like us.  MacBrady is something else." He stared at me, waiting for a reaction.

I growled and pushed him away from me.  My mind was on other things now.  If he was different, did he know he was?  Or was he just as clueless as us?  It made no matter, I had my eyes set on a prize that he was trying to steal and I didn't do well with sharing.

"Where are you going?" Remy shouted when I reached the door.

"Out for a drink." I shoved it open and strode out in a hurry, bumping into the two security guards stationed there.

I kept my head down and left the building.  I knew I had to be back for the charity event for Luna, but it seemed in everyone's best interest that I blew off some steam first.

As fate would have it, there was a club right across the street.  I made my way inside and found exactly what I was looking for; a petite young brunette seated at the bar with a bored look on her face.  She was stirring a drink with a pink straw and chipped blue fingernail polish.  I slid into the seat next to her and ordered a glass of whiskey.  "I hope you don't mind, the spot was open." I nodded at my seat.

The woman shrugged and took a sip, "Help yourself." She looked up and noticeably shifted her mood.  "I'm Eve." She smiled sideways.

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