Chapter 5: Answers We Don't Know

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{Sharon's POV}
I have been in quite a stressful place for a few days now. I've been in this place before and I always find a way out. But now it's back and it has to be fought out of. It's that time again where I had to think of a new show. I also need to make arrangements for an orchestra. Sighing, I get back to thinking about songs the guys could sing. David Munro walks up to me. "Hey, Sharon, you alright? You seem a little bit stressed out." I look over. "Hey David. Yeah I'm fine. Just have some interviews to do. And I need to think of a new show." "Well, hey! I wrote this song I wanted you to take a look at. I only wrote the lyrics, and I didn't assign any parts yet. I call this song "Voices.""
I look it over, and find it quite interesting. "Oh," David continues, "I also thought that we should have Emmet do a version of Danny Boy. Not like the version Celtic Thunder did originally, but a slightly changed version, you know?" I look up from the music sheet. "This is a very nice song. And yes, I think Emmet would be a good match up for that song. Do you have any more suggestions for songs?" David thinks for a moment. "Oh yes! I just remembered! I wrote a song for Ryan. I call it 'Hunter's Moon', and it's a bit dark and mysterious, just for his character." I nod. "So that's 3 songs. Fantastic." He leaves for a meeting after a few minutes. I stay in my office to work on ideas for a new Celtic Thunder show. It has to be the best one yet.
{Colm's POV}
I try to look around this pitch black area. There's no way out as there is more of the black space wherever I go. Why am I here? Where do I go? I hear my thoughts echoing through my mind. It seems as if they are echoing outside of my mind also. Music starts to play in the air. Five figures appear in the distance as well. There's smoke at their feet, and a light blue backlight. I don't recognize the figures as the blue light in back of them makes them look dark. As they start to speak, their eyes open with a eerie blue glow. "Voices are calling..." "Voices are calling..."
I want to escape this place. I begin to run, but everywhere I went, the voices followed me. Stars start appearing around me. Mythological symbols surrounded me. Ancient Greek mythology, celtic crosses, ancient Irish stones, everything is surrounding me. I don't understand what this means. I'm stopped by Emmet in front of me. His head is down. "Emmet! Lad! Help me! What is this place???" Emmet seems to not hear me, even as I'm shouting at him. He lifts his head and sings a melody. "There's a voice that is starting to call us..." "Call who? What are you talking about?!" He then vanishes right in front of my eyes.
A loud boom goes off that seems to shake the whole world. It was a mix of piano, drums, and an orchestra. Right at the moment, the lads are surrounding me. I crouch to the ground in fear. Their bodies seem to be glowing an eerie blue color, just like their eyes. And they all seemed to be in some sort of trance. "Why is it we are here?" George asks. Suddenly I say, "Where is it we will go?" I couldn't even control myself, and it seems like the words were forced out of me. "What the hell?!" I exclaim. I jump as I feel a hand land on my shoulder. I turn to Emmet standing there. "Will we just disappear?"
Right at this point everyone disappears again. I hear them in the distance somewhere. "Answers we don't know." They all say. I jump again when Keith appears in front of me. "Where will the future lead?" I jump again because Neil appears behind me and says "What will our future show?" I run, but am stopped when Ryan pops out in front of me. "How are we to proceed?" He says, questioningly.
All the lads start floating in the air. They have smoke surrounding them, and they're singing "answers we don't know." It keeps on repeating. "Answers we don't know... We don't know... Answers... We... Don't KNOW!" A long note was held on the last "know." I could make out what Emmet and George were saying, as it was something different. "The voices calling. The voices calling you." When the song ends, the lads fall to the ground, catching their breath. Their eyes are no longer an eerie blue. Right when I am about to question them, they all disappear. All the mythological signs and stars disappear as well, and it becomes pitch black again. I start to feel tired and I feel myself disappearing from this place. Soon, I am gone.
The darkness soon fades, but now I feel myself in another spot. I take a look around and see that I'm in a meadow. The grass is dead, the trees look burnt with no leaves on them, and there are large mountains in the distance. The sky's filled with dark clouds, and it's cool and windy. I look down at myself to see I'm in a pinstripe suit. I was also wearing a gold tie. I feel my hair, which is gelled with a spiked tip. It seems like music has started to play. This music seems slightly peaceful. Suddenly, the rest of the lads seem to appear out of nowhere. They have colored ties as well. Each lad starts singing "In darkness we do...". After the sentence began another lad starts saying it, but the lad who sang it first continues with the song. After they all finished that part, they continued with this song.
I've heard this song before. Turn... Away... Turning Away! They are singing Turning Away! Such an amazing song. The lads start to walk around. As Emmet sings his part, rain starts to pour, but I don't seem to be getting wet. Ryan starts to sing after Emmet, but something is different. I hear a crack in the distance, much like a branch from a tree breaking. I look around and froze when I see what's happening. A large branch was about to fall. "Ryan! Look out!" I shout at the top of my lungs. The song stops, and Ryan looks up. But it's too late. The branch breaks, and none of the lads notice. It lands right on top of Ryan's head. I hear a clap of thunder and everything goes black.
I feel myself jump out of the blackness. It's really hot and I'm sweating like mad. I look around to recall where I was. I then realize that I'm in the lounge. I must've fallen asleep on one of the couches. I look across from the couch I'm on and see that Emmet is sleeping on another couch. I then remember that he and I were hanging out in the lounge for a while. I don't recall when we fell asleep but it must've been not too long after that. I look at the clock on my phone. 4:36 AM. What I am really confused about is what those dreams were about. They seemed so lifelike. While I think about it, the memories start disappearing, just like the ones from a few weeks ago. I wonder if it's even worth putting in enough effort to remember my thoughts. I lay back down and drift back to sleep.
"Colm. Colm! Wake up." I hear fading into my unconcious mind. Someone is shaking me as well. I resist the urge to wake from my once peaceful sleep. The gentle shake transitioned into a harsh slap on my cheek. I finally opened my eyes to see Emmet standing above me. "Ow man. What time is it?" I asked Emmet, rubbing my now sore cheek. Emmet looked at his watch. "10:50," he told me. I was shocked. I slept for that long?! Even after waking up once in the night? We both eat some breakfast, trade phone numbers, and go home. Emmet promises that he will meet up with me again sometime soon before the tour, which was coming up in two months, and we had to start rehearsing in two weeks. I'm excited about that, but not about being around Keith again. He's such an eejit. It's hard to say it, knowing that I have a soft and kind soul, but... I hate him.
{Sharon's POV}
After three days of the lads break, I'm still in my office pacing back and forth. "Okay, all the songs have been thought of," I said to myself, "all I need is a good title for this show." Then it hit me. It has been in my head for all this time! I quickly looked over the lyrics to 'Voices', and instantly knew the name. I sent an email to all of the crew, lads, and instrumentalists right away. This was going to be a great show. I could just sense it.
{Colm's POV}
I decide to go on my Facebook account. I haven't been on it in such a long time, and there's bound to be some friend requests and game requests for me to reply to. Sure enough, once I got on there were over 70 notifications and, surprisingly, only 6 new friend requests. When I check the friend requests, the first one I see is from Emmet! He has a Facebook account? No kidding Colm. He's not an old fashioned hippie that doesn't know what Facebook is. Of course he has one! I give myself a mental slap and accept the request. He's online so I could message him. Hopefully he'll message back.
"Heya Mr. Cahill!"
"Oh hey Column Kidderz! No just kidding I'd never call you that!"
"Ha! Ik"
"Hey did you get an email from Sharon?"
"Umm no?"
"You're probably gonna get it soon. Just check ur mail just in case."
"Okay Mr. Cahill!"
"Please, call me Emmet."
Emmet was right apparently. I check my email and there's an email from Sharon. I wonder what this could be about.
Hello Celtic Thunder!
I am sending this email to inform you all that rehearsals for the 'Greatest Hits' tour begin in two weeks. Be sure you come to all of the rehearsals. I'm also sending this to tell you I have come up with a name for a new upcoming show. David showed me a new song he had written. I got the idea not too long ago. So, I am now presenting to you; Mythology.
- Sincerely, Sharon Browne

You'll Go Far, Colm Keegan | Celtic ThunderWhere stories live. Discover now