Chapter 7: Is This Reality?

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{Neil's POV}
My eyes open as I realize I had fallen asleep. I look around to make sure I was not dreaming. Definitely not. Ryan had invited me for drinks at the pub earlier. After that we decided to go to his house to watch some T.V. Apparently I had dozed off and he did too.
Something's really bothering me and keeping me uncomfortable. Then I realize it's the pain in my head giving it away. I have to say something to Ryan, but I'm afraid that it would affect our friendship. I turn off the TV and close my eyes again. I toss and turn and the more I try to drift into sleep, the more thoughts ring in my mind. Finally I give up after another 10 minutes. I gently shake Ryan, which wakes him up after a few tries.
"What?" He asks me in a groggy tone. I groan as guilt starts rushing through me.
"Ry, buddy, you know that's we're very close friends, right?"
"And nothing would ruin our friendship? Not even saying something that one of us thought was a bad thing?"
"Well maybe."
I feel butterflies. My face must of turned pale as he looks at me concerned. "You alright lad?" "Yeah. I'm fine. It's just..." I now don't want to say anything. I know that Ryan will get mad. I continue anyways because I need to get this off of my chest. "What if I said, that Keith is being a real jerk to Colm? And that I felt bad for him and wanted to be there on his side instead of Keith's?" After I say this I hide my face with my hands. Unexpectedly, he puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder.
"I agree," he says, "I hate seeing Colm get in such a depression. He doesn't deserve it. Keith should be consulted about it. I mean, seriously. It has been 2 years since Paul and Damian left. He should just let it go." I nod. Keith has been like this to all new members that have joined. Even me when I became a principal singer.
I get lost in my thoughts when I hear Ryan speak again. "Hey, why don't you and I go for a short run?" My eyes widen in surprise. "In the dark?!? Are you going crazy in the head lad? What if a car hits us? What if we get lost? It's too late to go out for a run." Ryan just shakes his head. "Neil, Neil, Neil, don't you know how many times I've ran in the dark? It's lit up just enough so we can see where we're going. Besides, it'll relieve your stress." I couldn't argue with him about my stress. Maybe a run could help me out. Ryan and I get up, get our shoes on and head out the door.
{Ryan's POV}
Neil and I stick together as we run through the town. It's a stress reliever for me to run, and I hope he feels the same. Pretty soon I feel something on my nose. When I look up I see that the sky has darkened even more with clouds. Before we know it a downpour starts. "Ryan it's pouring! We need to go back!! We'll be soaked!" Neil shouts at me.
This may be an idiotic idea, but I decide to have Neil stay under a tree while I go get the car. "Okay, you find shelter and I'll go back and get the car!" I run back towards the house and hear Neil say something, but I'm already to far ahead to have known what he said.
After a few seconds I need a break. I know I have to keep running but it's too much of a workout at this pace. I lean up against a nearby tree. The wind is picking up fast. Suddenly, I hear something like a crack. It makes me jump a little. I walk forward a little bit, scared for my safety.
Another crack followed by several more are being made above me. I look up but it's too late. The branch that was breaking is falling at high speed. It lands right on my head and knocks me down. My vision becomes very fuzzy as I try to move. Everything goes black before I can lift myself out from under the branch.
{Neil's POV}
It has been about 15 minutes since Ryan left for the car, and I'm becoming very cold. I don't want to get sick. That would be just terrible. "Where the hell is he? His house is only 5 minutes away!" I sigh. Go to the house now! I hear my mind tell me. The sudden urge to run back to Ryan's house is annoying me a lot. I listen to my mind and run back. I've got to bolt if I want to get out of this storm fast. The harsh winds make me feel like I'm in summer clothes on a winter day! Keeping myself warm is just about impossible.
I'm about halfway back when I need to stop. There is a huge tree branch on the sidewalk. The winds must've blown it down. My heart just about stops when I saw what is underneath the branch; a body. I quickly get out my phone and dial 999. "Yes, please help. There is a very large tree branch on top of someone. I don't know if they're still alive or not, so please come right away!"
I try to lift the branch, but it is way too heavy. I then break some of it apart. I panic more as the body is being revealed to me. I nearly pass out as soon as I'm able to pull the body out. It's Ryan! It's definitely Ryan! There's blood dripping down the side of his face. There are scratches all over his face as well.
"Oh God, Ryan!" I manage to scream. My face begins to feel hot and I have to keep on forcing myself to stay conscious as my vision begins to blur and darken. Ryan, barely conscious, looks up at me. He is struggling to speak "Neil..." He says. I lift him out from under the heavy branches and cradle him in my rapidly shaking arms.
"Shh, it's... it's okay Ryan... I'm right here... right with you." I say in between sobs. I can't bear to see my best friend in this condition. The ambulances can be heard from miles away. I don't even care how cold I am anymore. The only thing I care about is the safety of my best friend. I can't lose him! I just can't!

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