Date and cute guy

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Blake p.o.v.
The guys and I were waiting for the girls outside of Kennedy's house.
I saw them walk out and let me tell you Hope looks breathtaking.

She had on a red all in one that consisted of a shorts and top.
The others look great too. Kennedy had on a yellow floral dress and Christine had on a blue one.

"Hey guys" Kennedy greeted.

"Hey" Hope said looking up at us. Those perfect blue shinny eyes.

"Hey" me and the boys greeted in sync.
We opened the car door for them and drove to the movies.

* Skip movie *

The guys decide to skip the restaurant so Hope and I we're alone. Finally.

"So what do you want to order" I ask going through my menu.

"Nothing, I'd rather be at this party that's happening at a friend's house" she replied.

"Drinking and partying is not gonna solve problems you now  that, right" I said and she glared at me.

"So you think I have a problem that's why I party and drink" she gets up and storms out the restaurant. Shit not now.

"Hope wait" I ran up behind her.
She turned to me with a death glare on her face.

"What, you worried I might go get my self drunk or something" she snapped.

"No it's not that" I replied. Why would she ever think that.

"Look Blake just leave me alone" she stops a cab and get in. Shit!

Hope p.o.v.
I was at the bar have drinks when a guy came up to me.

"Hey beautiful" he said. I'm not in the mood for a guy right now.

"What!" I snapped and took another gulp of my drink.

"Can I buy you a drink" he ask leaning closer to me.

"Not interested" I replied walking off. He griped my hand and pulled me back.

"I wasn't diminish talking" he growled.

"She said she's not interested now let her go" I turned around to see Blake standing there. He looks hot when he's pissed. Wait what.

"Fine, keep this whore" why do they keep calling me that. I raised my foot and kicked him in the balls.

"Don't ever fucking call me a whore" I took my drink up and walked away.

"Hope where are you going now" Blake asked running up to me.

"I'm gonna dance with this really cute boy" the guy I saw at the last party was dancing with some girl so I pushed her away.   "Bye Blake" I said over cute guys shoulder. I really should learn his name.

"You okay?" Cute guy asked.

"Fine, hey what's your name" I asked.

"Its Cole" cute guy replied. I mean Cole.
"And what's yours?" Cole asked


"What a pretty name" he said making me smile.

After we finished dancing we exchanged numbers. Not because I don't want a boyfriend I can't have a friend that's a boy.
I got a few more drinks and was totally wasted.

I was stumbling out side the party when someone caught me.
I looked up into the most beautiful grey eyes ever.

"You okay Hope" Blake asked.

"I'm now" I giggled. He carried me to his car and drove off.

"I think I'm gonna be sick" he pulled the car over and I ran outside and started puking.

"Oh god, I think I'm gonna die" he held my hair back while I kept puking my tripe out.

"You okay now" he carried me back to his car and drove somewhere. I'm not really sure where because I fell asleep.

Jake p.o.v.
After I brought Christine home we kinda had a little make out session.

"I'll call you later" I kissed her on the cheek and drove over to Blake's house.

After I got there his butler Matthew opened the door for me

"Hello Matthew" I greeted

"Hello young sir, Blake is in his room" he said then I left.

"Hey Blake" I walked into his room and saw Hope laying on his bed.  "What the hell happened"

"Nothing, she got drunk and I brought her here" I replied.

"Does her mom no she's here" what if her mother thinks we kidnapped her daughter or something.

"Yeah, I called her, but she did say if anything happened to Hope she'll end me" he said with a light chuckle.

"Oh, she's okay though right" I asked.

"Yes she is now come on" we both left the room and closed the door.

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