I got in a fight with Bella

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Thay p.o.v.
I was at Blake's house and they told me about Hope being in the other room sleeping

"So are we like, gonna leaver her here and go to school" I asked

"Um yeah, she's really tired so I'm just gonna let her rest" Blake replied.

"Okay, but Thay and I will check on her before we leave" Jake pulls me up to the room where Hope is.

We opened the door and suddenly someone punched me in the nose and kicked Jake in the gut.

"Ahhhhh" I said holding my nose. I saw Hope standing there looking confused.

"Thay, Jake" she said crossing her arms. She punched me.

"Ahhh! woman we were just coming to check on you" Jake said holding his gut.

"Sorry I thought you were kidnappers" she said with a smile. Kidnappers fucking Kidnappers.

"Why would you think that you were kidnapped" Jake asked.

"I woke up in a strange room, wouldn't you think so too" she does have a point. My inner self said.

"Where did you learn to do all that" I asked. She must be a fucking ninja.

"My dad thought me" she said then Blake walked in.

"Your up" Blake said with a smile.

"Yep, and if I find out that you did anything to me I will end you" she said.

"I can see where you get your spunk from" Jake said then walked out.

"Do you want to go to school now" I asked and she shook her head.

"No, I'm just gonna go over to my house" she stated.

"Do you want me to drop you" Blake asked.

"Um sure" she responded.

"Later Hope, Blake I'll see you at school" I gave Hope a hug and fist bumped Blake.

Blake p.o.v.
After I dropped Hope at her house she waved then got inside.

I arrived at school to see a bunch of kids surrounding someone. I didn't really see anyone's face because I was being blocked.

I walked up to them to see Christine and Bella arguing.

"You stupid bitch stay away from him" I heard Bella yell. Who are they talking about.

"You can't tell me that" Christine fired back.

Ooh this is getting heated.

"He's mine, do you think he wants you" Bella growled the lunged at Christine.

The two of them fell but Christine got up and started throwing punches at Bella.

They were fighting for about a few minutes. Christine had a little blood on her lips while Bella had a swollen jaw and bleeding nose.

Damn Christine did a number on her.

I pulled Christine away from the crowd and brought her over to my locker.

"You okay" I asked.

"I'm fine" she responded.

"Why were you fighting" I know Christine she wouldn't get in a fight unless someone provoked her.

"Bella was warning me to stay away from Jake and some shit about him being her man" she said rolling her eyes.

"Oh, I think you should clean that up" I point to her bleeding lip.

"Yeah, later Blake" she turned and headed the direction of the bathroom.

Lara p.o.v.
That new girl better stay away from my man. I don't give a fuck who she is but I will end her if she doesn't stay away from Blake.

Now Bella and I are in the cafeteria having lunch when Kennedy and Christine walked in.

"Let's go" I tugged Bella up and marched over to their table

"What do you want" Kennedy asks without looking up at me.

"Stay away from Blake and Jake" I warned.

"Why don't you get it through your thick skull that's he's not into you" Christine snapped.

"Yeah like you'd know, Jake doesn't even like you" Bella spat.

"Just warn your friend Hoe, or Hope to stay away from Blake else it's not gonna be so pretty" I sneered.

"I think she should be warning you, don't you think she'll kick your ass again bitch" Christine growled, spinning around to face me.

"Whatever, Blake doesn't even like her, he's just being nice to the charity case" I said.

"And you'd know because, your a charity case also" This Kennedy chick is getting on my nerves.

Who the fuck is she calling a charity case?

"Listen and listen good you bitch....." I was trying to say but Blake cut me off.

"Hey guys, Lara what are you doing over here" Blake asked coming up to us with Jake and Thay behind him.

"Nothing, me and the girls are just having a friendly conversation, Tootles" I waved then walked away.  

Unknown p.o.v.
I want that girl. I have some of my guards follow her, home and to school. I want her as my Mafia Queen.

No matter how her father and brother tries to protect her I will have her.

"Lucas" I called my right hand man.

"Yes boss" he said walking into the room.

"Where did she go today" I'm referring to the girl I want.

"She didn't go to school, but she went over to someone's house, we're really not sure who, then they left to a with a guy diner" Lucas answered.

"Find out that guys name and do everything you can to keep him away from her" I ordered.

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