I need your help with studying

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Hope p.o.v.
Kennedy texted me, telling me about the exams we'll have to do. Their on my worst subject: Biology and Chemistry.

I don't have anyone to help me study. My moms at the grocery story, Kennedy is helping Thay, Christine is helping Jake and Cole is busy working.
He works in a library.

Should I text Blake and ask him to help me study. The guys an A+ student he could help me. But I don't have his number.

So I'll have to go over to his house.
Before you think 'how does she know where he lives, she's creepy' I remember the route he took to get to his house when I was drunk.

Hey, when I'm drunk I seem to remember things better. Although that may seem weird, but I do.

I got into my car and drove off.

About fifteen minutes later, I found his house.

Its really beautiful, it had yellow and blue flowers at the front and it was about four stories.

I knocked on the door and a butler came and opened it.

"Hello" he greeted sweetly.

"Um hi... Is Blake here" I don't really know his last name so I went with the first.

"You must be that girl from the other night, come in" he moved aside and I stepped in.

"I'm Hope" I stretched my hand out to shake which he does.

"Matthew" he smiled.

"Nice to meet you Matthew" I said.

"Nice to meet you miss Hope" he smiled again.  "Now let me go get Mr. Blake for you". He said then left.

I was looking around the house in awe. This kid must be loaded.

"Hope" I turned around to see Blake shirtless.

I tried to focus on his eyes not his toned six pack and broad shoulders.  "Hey Blake"

"What are you doing here" he asked.

"Well.... I kinda need your help studying for the exams" I said nervously.

Well I'm not the nervous type but when I'm around him the things I do surprises me as well.

"Okay, did you bring your books" shit I totally forgot them.

I shook my head and he chuckled.

"Come on, we'll use mine" he led the way upstairs and I followed.

His room was gigantic. It had a king size bed in the middle a door to the left and paintings and pictures on the wall.

I saw a picture of him, Thay and Blake in their football gear.

"Did you do those paintings" I asked pointing at the wall.

"No, my mom did them" he replied, turning around to look at me.

"Oh, where is she" I asked.

"At work, I think she might even know your mom" he said.

"How" I asked.

"Well my mom is the president of Night enterprises" that's the company my mom works for.

"My moms the vice-president" I stated.

"I told you, now let's get studying" he picked up a bunch of books and threw it on his bed.  "Come on, sit" he patted the space beside.

I walked over and sat beside him.

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