Shades of Cool

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Chapter 31:

English was thankfully my class right after lunch, giving me the much needed break after that huge confrontation in the cafeteria. Confrontation wasn't really my style and I would do almost anything to avoid it. But my mom was right, there was a time when I needed to stand up to my bullies and that time was now.

The good news was that Alex was in my English class, so I could at least sign to him to get whatever's on my mind off my chest. The bad news was that Lulu Gibson was also in this class. And I thought I wouldn't have to have another confrontation today.

I couldn't stop jittering and bouncing my leg up and down, waiting for Lulu to come by and say something. I think the anticipation is the worst part. Once it's over, it's not that bad. Actually, everything's definitely better. Just waiting for it to happen is the worst feeling in the world.

Alex reached for my hand underneath the desk and signed to me, shaping my fingers to spell out a word in sign language. Stop fidgeting, you're making even me nervous.

I gave him a small smile and shook my head, trying to stay upbeat and calm down. Sorry, I can't help it.

What's the matter? He instantly signed back, the worry evident in the slight shake of his fingers.

I droned out Ms. Jensen who was trying to get the class organized and ready before the bell and focused instead on communicating with Alex. Lulu. I signed, still anticipating her to walk in at any moment and give me hell.

Alex gave me a quick squeeze in support. I beamed at him, thankful that I was able to find someone like him in my life. What did I do to deserve such amazing people surrounding me?

That's when I sensed it, Lulu's presence that radiated confidence and smelled very faintly of Cora's perfume based on how much time they spend together on a regular basis. I instantly stilled, hyperaware of her entering the room. She walked over in my direction and I held my breath, just waiting for her to lash out, call me a bitch, something, anything. She was just a few steps away...

But she kept walking. Past my desk. Not even a word peeping out of her glossed lips.


"It's Louisa, right?"

I nearly jumped five feet in the air, I was that startled. I almost yelped too but I barely held it in, determined to not embarrass myself in front of the entire class. The voice sounded from right behind me. Who the heck said that?

I was so worried that it was Lulu changing her mind and coming back here to yell at me before I realized it was a new voice, one that I've never heard before and a presence I've never sensed. The air smelled like strawberries and strongly of coffee. Curiosity steadied my heart that was currently leaping out of my chest. Who was this person, and what did they want with me?

The bell rang then, scaring me just a little because of how jumpy I was. I knew I was going to get in trouble for talking because even though Ms. Jensen was according to me the best English teacher ever, she also was the strictest woman I knew concerning talking while she was. So instead of saying anything, I just politely nodded and turned back around in my chair.

But apparently, the girl behind me didn't care about getting in trouble. Instead, she took that opportunity to get up from her desk, choosing to then sit right on top of mine, knocking over my textbooks in the process. If this girl wanted my attention, then she definitely had it now. What in the world was she trying to accomplish?

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