The first step

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Intro begins

As over the skies there is a young Saiyan flying around with a smile on his face as his mom and dad are flying next to him along with the rest of the Z-fighters. Next it cuts to him powering up and taking down several bots. Two villains appear with a Nomu ready for a dark plan. As Y/n is training with heavy weights in the gravity room with his father and later being Vegeta in SSj3. Later he is seen envelope in a emerald aura as he charges at the villains. Then in the front of UA there are the students and teachers but in the front is Y/n going super Saiyan as he and everyone else charge with a battle cry against the Villains.

Intro ends

In the morning the day of UA's entrance exam

Y/n woke up excited for today. It's the day of UA's entrance exam. He's been preparing over the last ten months training extra hard with either his dad or Vegeta. Since they live near each other as his mom and aunt Bulma work together so they live in another building made for them. At least he has access to stuff people don't have access to like gravity chamber and other stuff. Still when he told his mom and dad they ask why he wants to go there. He simply replied. That he wants to protect the world and fight for the innocent. Since he never did care for fame or fortune. Since he is a Z-fighter. He has experienced he truth through the battles he's participated in. He knows the pro heroes don't stand a chance against any world or galactic threats.

He did have to find a way to not rely on SSJ forms since they might give him away. Cause he has a feeling once he did then they will connect the dots between the cell games and it'll be hell. Thankfully when he visited the world of the Kai's for advice on how to deal with it. The elder Kai had the solution. So in a day he stayed on the world of the Kai's and his sleeping powers have been awoken. He still remembers what the elder Kai told him.

Flashback 8 months ago

OK(old Kai): There your sleeping powers have been awaken. Now transform.

Y/n nodded as he made sure that he was at a certain distance to not push back Old Kai. Y/n then screams as he soon transforms into Ultimate Y/n. His appearance didn't change but with white lightning appearing his body he smiles and is amaze by his new form.

Y/n: I did it. Thanks you sir.

OK: Your welcome young one. I'm just glad one of you Saiyans have manners. To be honest Y/n. I'm quite shock how much powerful you are in your new form.

Y/n: Huh?

Kabito Kai: Agree, I even can say that he is more stronger than Gohan when he first got it.

Y/n: Wow. This is awesome. I wonder how stronger it'll be once I add Dragons Fury on top of it.

Old Kai: You never cease to amaze me. Though remember Y/n, you still have a lot of potential in you. Don't falter on your training. I'm sure you'll fine a way to surpass it.

Y/n: I won't sir. I won't let you guys down.

OK: I know you won't. It makes me feel at peace knowing, that hope still is in the younger generation getting ready to defend the universe.

Flashback ends

Y/n smile as he is getting ready to head out. To the exams where it starts at 6 am so he got washed and put on some comfortable clothes. Since he's been homeschooling he will likely stand out in the crowd. So he didn't mind it. As he put on his Dark grey longshirt,with his gi pants and black boots. Then grabbed his backpack with his form and extra clothes. Since better have it and not need it than need it and not have it. In case there is more to the exam than it seems.He then went downstairs and ate his big breakfast and soon said his farewells and began to fly off to UA.

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