Helping a friend

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Intro begins

As over the skies there is a young Saiyan flying around with a smile on his face as his mom and dad are flying next to him along with the rest of the Z-fighters. Next it cuts to him powering up and taking down several bots. Two villains appear with a Nomu ready for a dark plan. As Y/n is training with heavy weights in the gravity room with his father and later being Vegeta in SSj3. Later he is seen envelope in a emerald aura as he charges at the villains. As well shows Y/n and Shota meditating in the lookout. Then shows Shota and Y/n sparring again each other at they shot out a ki blasts that collide.Then in the front of UA there are the students and teachers but in the front is Y/n going super Saiyan then Shota is envelop in emerald green Aura as he and everyone else charge with a battle cry against the Villains.

Intro ends

It was a busy week for Y/n after the announcement of him breaking the record that was held by all might. His family along with friends celebrated Y/n entering UA academy. As well he had a call from Midoria who congratulate him though he sounded a bit sadir nervous. Either way he tried to cheer him up with a bit of motivation.

As well in UA the teachers were discussing over the results while they saw many of those who passed having a lot of potential especially Y/n. They never seen a Quirk like his and wonder and talked about it. Though for one he didn't like not having any more information about the quirk. Still he did great on the written and physical test. The best they all ages seen. They also discuss a few certain things about Y/n how he is going to school if he isn't allowed to fly due to the laws. The Principle stated to his fellow colleagues that it is worrying he wanted all of his students to all get a great education. They will only interfere if it starts to affect his grades or health. Then they will have to bring in his parents for a talk about commendations of living in the campus or a hotel. Though for All Might he can see a similarities with Y/n with another great hero who hasn't been seen for many years Son Goku. He can remember how Son and Y/n have a similar abilities and fighting. He hope when Y/n arrived at UA. That he would have a chat with him to get more answers about his quirk and has he seen Son Goku.

Anyway back to Y/n. He was enjoying a good nap outside until he heard his cellphone ringing. It woke him up and went to see who was calling him. When he got it and went to check it. He saw the caller ID was Shota. He accepted the call and said.

Y/n: Hello Shota. What's up?

Shota: Hello Y/n. I'm doing fine. Thank you for asking. I heard that you managed to break the record held by All Might. Congratulations.

Y/n: Thanks. Wait how did you know about it?

Shota was a little silent until a minute passed before she said.

Shota: I can't say anything on the phone. Can you come over to the park. I want to talk to you in person.

Y/n though about it for a minute until he can sense that she was a bit nervous and maybe a bit afraid of saying anything on the phone. So he responded.

Y/n: Sure,I'll see you there Shota.

Shota: Thank you. I promise I'll tell you all once we are in the park.

With that the call ended. As Y/n got up from the yard and did his stretching exercises to make sure to not get a cramp. He then went to his mom and told her that he will have to go back to Musutafu to meet up with Shota and made it specific that it wasn't a date, Just friends hanging out. She said its fine and be careful and don't break to many bad guys. As well treat Shota with respect and make sure to invite her to visit them. Since her since M/n found out about Shota she has been wanting to meet the young lady who befriended her son. It was also her little plan to try to get her son a gf since her son has no experience in that department due to how dense he is.

Y/n waves goodbye as M/n went back to work on her son's hero costumes with Bulma. Since she wants the best for him. He made it clear no tights since it was dumb and really not comfy and no cape as well. She agree and though of something that is right and will make him one of the best and coolest hero's the world has seen.

When Y/n was outside he began to fly of to Musutafu but making sure when he got there to be a little away from the city. When he lands to not get yell at for improper "quirk" use. He doesn't want to get caught not having a quirk but also them finding out about his Saiyan biology will make things worse.

Timeskip to Musutafu park brought to you by Y/n arm wrestling All Might and looking abut bored. While everyone has their eyes popping out.

Y/n was walking around the park looking for Shota. He sense her ki when he arrived and went to find her until he found her sitting with her back on the tree. She look a bit sad, so he went over to her and asked her.

Y/n: Hey Shota mind if I join you?

Shota: No, please sit.

Y/n did and soon when he took a spot near her they began to talk.

Shota: Y/n. Do you know the pro hero Endeavor?

Y/n: Uh. Nope. I never paid attention to the news. Everytime they show a hero. I change the channel to not get bored. Though what I heard that he is some pyro guy or something like that.

Shota: Yeah he is something like that. The reason why I ask. Is because he is my "father".

Y/n: Oh. Judging from the time of your voice of saying that. I kinda figure that you don't like your dad.

Shota: That's a understatement. I hate him with every fiber in my whole being. For what that man did to my family.

She then went to describe what her life has been. Her childhood along with her twin brother where non existent for he would train them to try to surpass All Might as well abuse them and their mom. He only married her to make strong children with two quirks. Until she broke and poured boiling water on her other side which left her with a scar. She then wanted to be her own person and hero, and not what he wanted her to become. Y/n couldn't believe what he is hearing. He now holds a deep hatred for endeavor and he swears when he sees him. He will not hesitate to tell him or if a chance to eat him up is show he will show him no mercy. Still he wonder why she was telling him all of this. Until he saw her eyes began to get watery. He then gave her a hug as she looked at him.

Y/n: It's alright Shota. Your not alone. Why because I'm here. Your friend.

She then dug her face on his chest and began to sob on him. As Y/n gave her comfort as she let out the years of hold off emotions. After two minutes she stop and began to dry her eyes.

Y/n: Are you feeling better now?

She sniff quietly as she gave a nod to respond to him.

Y/n: Shota, I want to know why you told me about it? Don't take it offensively. I'm just wondering.

Shota: Y/n. The reason I told you because. You are the only one who I know I can trust. I can tell that your a good person and you prove it with you being my first real friend who didnt do it for the fame or something else. As well he made me watch the entrance exam to know the competition and beat them. When I saw your part I didn't want to lose my first friend by cheating.

Y/n: It's alright. I know your a good person Shota. Just know no matter what I won't let you do this alone. Of you ever need anything you know who to call.

Shota gave a genuine smile at him. Since she knew that she made the right choice in telling him. While Y/n wonder how he can help her. Since he can tell that she is still genuine in being a hero in her own way. As he sense no Evil in her. Then I idea popped up as he stood up and told her.

Y/n: Shota,I think I have a way to help you.

Shota stood up as she said.


Y/n: Just hold on my shirt. I'll take you to a place I know that can help me do it.

She look at him a little confuse until she did as she put her hand on his shoulder. As Y/n did instant transmission to a locations he's been before.

Y/n:*though* I hope they will understand why I did it.

With that though out they vanish as he took them to the lookout. Where Y/n will do a Goku.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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