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Intro begins

As over the skies there is a young Saiyan flying around with a smile on his face as his mom and dad are flying next to him along with the rest of the Z-fighters. Next it cuts to him powering up and taking down several bots. Two villains appear with a Nomu ready for a dark plan. As Y/n is training with heavy weights in the gravity room with his father and later being Vegeta in SSj3. Later he is seen envelope in a emerald aura as he charges at the villains. Then in the front of UA there are the students and teachers but in the front is Y/n going super Saiyan as he and everyone else charge with a battle cry against the Villains.

Intro ends

As Y/n helped Shota as he helped her up as well have her books. They were there silently for a minute looking at each other. Until Y/n decided to break the silence.

Y/n: Shota,I can see you are a fan of reading.

Shota: I am, it helps me escape from reality a bit. Y/n do you like to read as well?

Y/n: I kinda do. Though most of the time I'm mostly training.

Shota: Training? By any chance did you took the UA entrance exam?

Y/n: Yep. Now I'm just waiting on the results.

Shota: You seem a bit confident you passed.

Y/n: Maybe, hehe. Did you take the exam as well Shota?

Shota: No,I got a recommendation to get in.

Y/n only nodded as he can tell that she didn't want to continue. He can tell from the way she was speaking about escaping reality and her burn mark. She hasn't have a normal life per say. He isn't going to push it and continue on.

Y/n: Well, I got to say you must be amazing if you got a recommendation.

Shota look at him like he expected he know something but replied.

Shota: I don't know about that. Since it was my......father that gave it to me.

Y/n then detected a bit of hesitation in her voice. That was the nail in the coffin that confirmed that she went through tough times. As well maybe not have any friends well one thing will change.

Y/n: Hey Shota do you have any friends?

Shota: N-No I don't. To be honest your the first person who talked to me. Without saying stupid stuff about certain things.

Y/n: Alright, anyway you got a friend now.

Shota*wide eyes* Y-You mean....

Y/n: That's right. I want to be friends with you Shota. You seem like a nice person and I want to get to know the real you.

Shota Todoroki was silent as her mind process what Y/n just told her. Her life wasn't great as her father try to make her to be able to surpass All Might. Which lead to her to not use her full power and  didn't want to end up like Endeavor. She wants to be a hero if her own choice and live her life how she wants to as well to have a real friend who wouldn't see her for her status as Endeavor's daughter and now she has the chance with Y/n. Since to her, he seems like to honest in his friendship with her to know her only her. As well his Aura made her calm and feel safe she silently smiled as she responded.

Shota: Y-Yes I would love to be friends with you Y/n.

Y/n smiled as during  the rest of the day was spent with the two getting to know each other. They talk about their likes which Shota was surprise to learn that Y/n is the son of one of the smartest people on the planet next to Bulma. Which he said he doesn't say to to attract attention which he doesn't like which she understood.

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