Chapter 2

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 Over the next week, Lucy left Becky alone and went to Harold's company. The hall was empty so she immediately headed for Harold's office. She climbed up the stairs and reached the door, from where she heard strange sounds that came from the office. When she walked through the door which wasn't locked this time, Lucy remained shocked. Her husband, her devoted husband and the one she counted on, was caught cheating on her with a ten year younger secretary!

 She felt a contraction in her left arm and an unpleasant feeling in the heart area, then started crying. Harold tried to justify himself and the secretary came out of the office. Seeing that Lucy completely turned pale, Harold called for ambulance to come in. The help quickly arrived and took Lucy to the hospital, where she received the news that she just had a heart attack.

 Harold waited for Lucy to get better, entered her hospital room and began the conversation: "The girls don't have to know what happened in the company. We will not tire them with our problems." Lucy: "Our problems?!" Do you think this is a small problem that can be solved just like that? You are an enormous fool, the bottom of life! How could you do this to me, jerk? How many days have you been doing this? How long have you been cheating on me with that stupid girl? " Harold (after a break): "Half year." Lucy got shocked and then wept again. The doctor went in and said she could continue with everyday activities, with a mild lifestyle change, as this problem with a heart attack wouldn't be repeated , and gave her a permission to go home. Harold offered to drive her home, but she refused and walked back, just not to be close to him as much as possible. Since then, they were sleeping in separate rooms.

 During that time, Teyna noticed that she gained a little of weight, her period was late ... she hoped she wasn't pregnant, oh, it's the last thing she needs right now! She was even more sick in the morning. After dinner, she felt nausea (which was strange to her, as it usually happened in the morning) and she went to the bathroom. Becky was already inside and deliberately throwing up the food she had eaten during the dinner. Another secret that Becky was hiding.

 Teyna asked herself- how is it possible she didn't figure out what her sister did when she rose from dinner? At that moment Becky went out of the bathroom and nervously asked Teyna: "Well ... you were there? I ... um ... I washed my hands ...and that took a while... you turned pale. Are you all right?" Teyna: "Frankly, no, I am not well, and I heard you aren't neither. Do you always do this after a meal? " Becky: "There are many things that you don't know about me, it's not that someone was interested in it. Why would somebody care if Becky has her dreams, does she self-harm or have a bulimia? Who's giving a damn about Becky! Becky's here to be ruined when they weren't able to direct Teyna to the right way! But, I will not be able to endure this long enough. Teyna ... get back to normal while you still can. I saw you while you sneak out the window. I don't know where you are going, but take care of yourself. " Teyna never saw her sister so serious and she was concerned. She was afraid what she meant when said that she won't be able to endure all this long enough ...

 Daybreak. Lucy has the first coffee and smokes a fifth cigarette. Harold enters the kitchen and warns: "If you continue this way, you will again have a heart attack! Irresponsible!" Lucy (angrily looks at him): "Look who tells me. Why don't you save your advices for your secretary, when she is so close to your heart? " Harold: "I didn't blame you when you left my best friend and start a relationship with me!" Lucy: "It's not the same! You're now the father of two daughters, I was young and I could do what I liked ! " Harold: "Yes, sure, what about that he died because he got drunk after breaking up? Somehow, you killed him." Lucy (rising): "You're as much guilty as I am! I haven't forced you to be with me! " Harold: "You seduced me, not the opposite!" Lucy: "I don't know what the hell I've seen in you ... I thought you were better. My mistake." Lucy left the room, and a little later entered Teyna, without any makeup on her face, revealing the how pale she is. Harold: "What do you look like? Did you sleep at all?" Teyna: "Yes, I don't like getting up early, so I look like zombie. Oh, seven o'clock, I'm getting away from here! " Harold: "Like that?" Teyna: "Okay, I'll make myself look like human, whatever, don't bother me anymore!" Harold looked out of the window while Teyna was leaving, not believing that he allowed his daughter to behave like this ...

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