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 The story "The Breakdown of the System" was written in two days (it seems that I had an inspiration again). Interestingly, on Tuesday, September 15th, I suddenly got the idea for a story in the afternoon. The creation of four main characters went quite smoothly, I first sketched them on paper and then gave them names. I think it's nothing unusual because many characters were the first drawings (eg Princesses from the "Year Seasons I", Lena from the "Serbian Story about Lena and Teodor" , the girls from "Ready For Action?!" ...), and then ... the ideas came just like, and I mostly get into the story completely. The story was written with combined dialogues and action, it was confusing to write in the big notebook (A4 format) for the first time, but somehow I got used to it. I think that's all I could say about writing a story.
The theme of the story is the breakdown of the family in a tragic way.

 In this story I deal with difficult topics again, with the topics I have already worked with, such as eating disorders and suicide (I know that in the "Scale of Sanity" I said that I will no longer kill people in stories, but I can't bear that everything is idyllic- I write this way and I'm dealing with things that are troubling me and people like me, who can't stand sad stories can find a lot more positive authors or read my earlier stories O.O), as well as topics such as the use of narcotics, pregnancy (in this case teen), AIDS ...

 What was the core of the problem of the Philwards? Somebody would say it's Harold's cheating, someone else Lucy's insincerity, and someone else would find another reason... One thing is certain, Teyna and Becky were the most ruined because of it. Becky is the character who is most forced to participate in the situation as a mute observer, without the permission to defend herself. At the moment when she becomes aware of her own weakness she leaves the battlefield, but it turns out that she was the only thing that made the family functioning at least a little. Teyna represents a revolutionary who doesn't accept rules but makes her own plans. Even after diagnosis, she continues her life as if there was no diagnosis, but nevertheless keeping in mind that can't stop what is inevitable. Lucy is someone who has lived in the past in some way; therefore, for every mistake in the present, she has blamed the past. Even repeating the same mistake for her daughter- probably was forced to finish medical school by her parents, only that decision was fatal to her daughter, who already had her life plan. Harold, unlike Lucy, lives in the future. He plans his life in advance and he already had a ready plan for divorce and before the problem started. He speaks about his lover as a nice woman,someone who respects him, and it can be concluded that he planned a wedding with her before Lucy's death.

 Joseph was, at first glance, a carefree young man interested in going out, however, when he realized the seriousness of the situation, we see his caring side. In fact, in the story everything began to break down with the death of the weakest person, the person who saw that she no longer controls her life. Sometimes we are not able to see the seriousness of a situation until the worst happens - so was it in Teyna's and Becky's case , while Harold and Lucy persistently denounced the worst case scenario.

 However, their problems began even before they slowly moved away from each other - as Lucy only wanted security for Teyna, she probably didn't think much about love since the wedding, which is partly due to the tragedy in which Teyna lost the real father, so Lucy felt unprotected when she discovered treachery because Harold represented to her safety more than the love of her life. Such a relationship built on a great secret could not last forever.

 Unlike Becky, Teyna found happiness for at least the last seven years of life. Name Bella is a blend of the names Becky (Be) and Lucy (first letter) with the suffix -la. Joseph never told that to Teyna.

 Bella had to learn very serious things at young age and to accept the death of her parents. Teyna was willing to accept the role of mother, although she knew she would not be able to watch her daughter grow, not knowing how long she would be with her. In real life, the virus HIV is developing for longer, but I think this is a more educational story on this way.
Uh, this is the longest discussion so far, but I wanted to write a detailed analysis of the story. However, in the notebook seemed to be more text.: D

 The story is not inspired by real events in its entirety, but it is inspired by society and the family as the cell of society. Our reality is more morbid even than this story. The expectations that fathers have to secure family, the mothers of which are expected to be successful business women and housewives , children who give in to addiction or suffer from a mental disorder, or even both merged into one. The characters that are mentioned also create the story of our society: the children from Becky's school who represent bullying (in this case verbal which unfortunately I had the opportunity to experience ), Joseph's father as the representative of the abuser in the family, Jonah as a representative of those who come to the money "on the other ways" in order to spend someone else's hard-earned money.

 Well, I think it's time to finish this discussion, I've already had to remind myself once more what I actually do.

I hope you enjoyed the story. Follows: A more positive story, wrapped in a darker fantasy, but still not sad like this and a few before it :)

Breakdown of The SystemNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ