Chapter 3

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 That Wednesday Becky and Teyna were alone in the house. Becky looked up in front of her as she sat on the stairs, Teyna came and sat beside her. Teyna: "Hey, what's up?" Becky: "I'm worried. I lost control of my life. Mother is forcing me to go for treatment but I don't want to go, maybe they'll find out and that I'm self-harming. What's troubling you? " Teyna: "Do you promise that you won't tell anyone?" Becky: "I swear. Come on, rant on." Teyna: "I'm pregnant." Becky: "When did this happen?!" Teyna: "Last month. Even worse, the guy I was with brought me HIV." Becky: "Oh God, that means you will not live long! Damn it... it's worse than I thought! It's better not to give birth to that child. " Teyna: "I know ... I can't believe that you and I have been stuck in this way, I just hope you get out of this." Becky: "No, Teyna. It's not just about eating disorder and entering the school I want. My whole life I'm trying to be as good as I can,but it seems to me that people don't care for me as a person, but for my success. When someone would ask our parents to describe me, they would start with a 'good student'. No one wants to know real me. As time passes by, the more I feel like a prisoner. I'm sorry that you are suffering from an incurable disease, it would be better if I got infected and to you live for a long time, to have a family ..." Teyna :, What are you talking about? Honey, life is in front of you! Don't think about death. You see,even I don't think about it! Everything is fine, everything is fine ... "

 Thursday, the day like every other. Teyna is with her friends, trying out a new kind of drug, not thinking about pregnancy or illness. Lucy went from a job earlier to join Becky at the time of enrollment, which didn't suit her. She watched calmly while her mother had wrote a medical school as the first choice, but stopped her when she wanted to hand over the paper. Becky: "I hate medicine. You had to understand that by now." Lucy: "I don't care what you hate , I care what's best for you. " Becky: "If you give that damn paper, I swear to you that I will never go to that school or even to the damn recovery!" Lucy: "Do not threaten me! You can't do anything against me! I won't let you be like your sister. " Lucy handed over the paper and then Becky's face filled with hate ...

 In the evening, Becky was lying on the bed and staring at the ceiling. She was burning with the desire to shout out loud everything to her parents for all these years of their poor caring for her. She was never allowed to go out after school, to have friends, to be in a relationship. She existed only for showing, like a wunderkid without a soul, but with brilliant behavior and excellent grades. All their care would be reduced to the sentence "Be like Becky" without thinking what this Becky hides inside. They wouldn't even know about bulimia if Teyna didn't accidentally say. She knew that the recovery is only worrying that the wunderkid doesn't ruin completely, not care about her. She knew ... There is no returning back.

 Friday morning. The phone rings and Harold answers and, after completing the conversation, he enters the kitchen where the rest of Philward's finished their breakfast. Harold: "Well, finally good news! Becky, you're accepted to school!" Becky (indifferent): "The one you wanted? " Harold: "Yes, that's best for you." Becky: "And what's good about it?" Lucy: "You will see that you will like medicine!" Becky: "And what if I won't? Would you perhaps force me to love it?!" Harold: "You're too rude!" Becky: "Oh, you consider this to be rude? Well, you know what? I'm sick of you two. I'm sick of everything. You chose every goddamn class I've been and in every single one I had problems! It's because you wanted to make something supernatural of me and you just brought me to this! I hate you both. " Lucy: "How can you talk like that to us?!" Becky: "Shut up, I'm taking now, you talked enough! It's time for me to say something! I'm tired of being silent... if Teyna wasn't here I would give up everything earlier ... she is the only one in this house who understands me at least a bit. You two can GO TO HELL!!! " Becky got up and went to the bathroom again, and Harold and Lucy, who were in disbelief, realized that they are late to work and hurried off without looking where Becky gone, only Lucy said, "We'll continue this conversation later."

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