Chapter 4

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The next day, Teyna picked up her stuff in one bag and headed downstairs where Harold had a coffee. Without any words, she headed for the exit, but Harold stopped her. Harold: "Where did you go with that bag?" Teyna: "I'm going from you crazy people." Harold: "To that jerk's apartment?Go to your room, I'm still your legal guardian! If you were not pregnant, I would have kicked the hell out of you! " Teyna (going to her room):" Go to hell, you are not able to keep family together! In fact, you destroyed the family last week, you and your Lucy! As if Becky wanted to be a striper or something, so you couldn't accept her choice! I hate you both, you are monsters! " She didn't wait long, but she got out of the window and went to Joseph. Lucy and Harold didn't even notice that she wasn't in the room, they only locked the door and went to their jobs.Harold was about to make the first move and ask for divorce, since it is already obvious that they have no more reasons to be together.

 Lucy looked at the empty sheet of paper numbly, listening to the voices of the people who worked with her. The boss invited her to his office. Boss: "I want to express my condolences for the death of your daughter." Lucy: "Thank you,it means a lot to me. " Boss: "I have information that you had a heart attack last night. Why did you come to work today? You should have taken a rest." Lucy: "I don't need anything. All that I've done all these years is gone, even that what is still here ... It would be better if I died yesterday when I found out that my other daughter was pregnant with some jerk. " Boss: "I understand your pain, but life continues. Give yourself a time. In the background, you still have your husband with you." Lucy: "Yes ... I guess I have ..."

 When Lucy returned home, she sat on the couch and thought. Her whole life was a mistake starting with her childhood with her parents who were real snobs, with her father who was the best doctor in the city, through falling in love with Harold's friend who had proposed her on the day when she told him that she loves Harold, and then heard news that he had died, and finally when she ruined her own daughters: gave too much freedom to Teyna not to end up like her but, when she saw that didn't work, simply gave up Teyna and shifted her control to Becky.

 She got so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even notice that Harold arrived home. Harold: "Where's Teyna?" Lucy: "I don't know ... in the room? I didn't even see her today." Harold: "Damn, she must have ran away." Lucy: "She'll get back when she realizes how harsh reality is." Harold (giving her a paper): "Here. I want a divorce from you. I wanted to be direct, no hard feelings." Lucy (indifferent): "You couldn't wait to pass a week from Becky's death, and you already bring me divorce papers? " Harold: "You and I have no reason to be together. Let's get this done." Lucy: "Are you hurrying so much to be with your lovely little stupid?" Harold: "Her name is Jonah." Lucy: "Oh, Jonah! Great, now at least I know name of a woman who is about to break my marriage. (sign the paper) Here, I signed a document of your freedom. And don't forget to greet Jonah! I wish you a pleasant life. " Lucy went to the door, and Harold asked, "Where are you going? We did not settle the property ..." Lucy: "It's all yours. I need nothing." She left the house ...

 Teyna watched the television together with Joseph and they talked . Joseph: "I was thinking something ... I think we should take less drugs. We shouldn't lead the baby to danger." Teyna: "Hm ... It sounds hard, but it's worth trying. " Joseph: "We are now left on our own." Teyna: "Yes. But, I know we can do it. We'll deal with the disease as long as we can. I know that Becky would like me to take care, she told me that many times. Wow, I feel like another person when I'm with you ... "

 Lucy, with a little money she had in her pocket, called for a cab and bought a pack of cigarettes. She asked a driver to drive her to the train station. She sat on a bench on the station with a cigarette in her hand, without any luggage. She was thinking whether to jump under the next train that comes or that with the rest of the money buy herself a ticket and find a new life away from here. She decided to try with buying a ticket, after all, the railway won't escape anywhere if she changes her mind. She bought a ticket for the next train that came to the station and went aboard ...

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