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"C'mere," A distorted voice called to Junhoe

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"C'mere," A distorted voice called to Junhoe. All he felt was plush and warmth surrounding him. Opening his eyes, light shined down upon him. "Princess~"

"Mm..." Junhoe lifted his head up, pulling the sheet to cover himself up as he tried to familiarize himself. Though everything was so far away, it was like a thin mist was shading Junhoe's eyes. Then he saw someone standing in the light, they were shirtless and quite fit.

"I'm right here," The voice called and then hands reached out. Junhoe shook his head, feeling shy, but their laugh resonated in his ears. "I've seen you so much worse, come to me."

Dropping the sheet, Junhoe was suddenly dressed in underwear: panties, black ones. They were his favorite kind. Crawling forward, he wrapped his arms around the neck of the person who held the voice. Everything about them was so familiar.

"Bobby?" Junhoe laughed softly as said man hugged him tight and pressed kissed on his shoulder. Junhoe pulled his head back to look at him and there he was, beautiful and radiant smiling at Junhoe. The light shining behind his head almost like a halo.

"You want it to be me, don't you?" He chuckled and Junhoe frowned slightly.

"Jiwon..." Junhoe started as he moved to kiss him. Bobby began to change right before him. Though scarily, he stayed the same. His hair was now sandy and his cheeks held dimples— the skin was about the same tanned and beautiful along with his build just being taller and a little less fit.

"You miss me?" Namjoon snickered as his hand slid down Junhoe's back. Alert, Danger, Sirens— were all going off in Junhoe's head.

"No— No, you can't be here," Junhoe choked as he fell back on the bed. Namjoon only came over him with a sick grin.

"You've missed me, princess. I'll always come back for you," Namjoon hummed as he came down pressing kisses into Junhoe's collarbone. "Just submit to me, like you always have."

"No— I'm not your princess. I'm not— no," Junhoe suddenly felt too weak, his arms and legs locked up on him as the unwanted ones went for his unmentionables. Junhoe could feel tears in his eyes now.

"You'll always be mine. He can't have you, you're damaged goods," Namjoon snickered into his ear and Junhoe felt a snap at his waist.


Junhoe didn't understand what that meant, but it shook him up enough to send him back home to Daegu.  Seunghyun let Junhoe in without question, if anything happy his little brother came home to see them.

"We missed you," Daesung cooed kissing Junhoe's face.  And maybe it was the comfort of being home or having all the emotions Junhoe was feeling, but he just sunk down and gave Daesung a kiss to the cheek.  He hadn't done that in some time.

"I missed you guys too," Junhoe sighed even if it hadn't been long since he saw them. Looking back and forth at them, he gave a soft smile, "A lot."

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