Chapter 7

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After the kunai and shuriken throwing excercise they continued towards an small race with the obstacles. This time the civilian kids did even worse. Only 8 out of 41 managed to complete it not counting Naruto. The clan-children once again did better and all managed to pass it. Shikamaru couldn't really be bothered to go all out. He called it "troublesome" and completed the race at the seventh place. Choji who was pretty "big-boned" as he called it did really well and finished it in sixth place. Shino got fifth place and Hinata surprisingly scored really high, she demonstrated a high level of agility and never missed a single step. In the end however she missed some of the raw speed and power Kiba had and completed it in fourth place. Kiba finished it successfully at the third place.

The obstacles they had to pass was: first was the wall with ropes that they had to climb over. Next they had to swing from rope to rope to pass the river. And the last was they had to crawl under a series of wires to the finish line without disturbing any of the bells that hang on them.

Sasuke was very careful, but at the same time quick on this round. He passed the first obstacle without a problem, but on the second one, one of the ropes was much slippier than other and Sasuke lost two precious seconds to the Naruto who finished on the first place. His hyperactive nature helped him this time.

'First time in the history, civilian kid did that good in the first two excercises' Iruka thought of himself. "very well, let's go to the final test for today" he said while keeping his face straight from the internal shock he was feeling.

The last test was a small taijutsu tournament between everyone, to make things fair and balanced the brackets were divided based on the previous results rather than at random. As such Naruto and Sasuke ended up in different brackets and wouldn't meet each other until the final. The first few rounds were pretty easy for both of them. Naruto and Sasuke went through the civilian kids like a knife through butter. Shino who succeeded in the last two excercises, this time lost to Choji who appeared to be much better than everyone thought of him. Hinata proved that she was good taijutsu, but lost to Kiba, because she wasn't confident and Kiba used it. In the end semi-finals were Naruto-Choji and Sasuke-Kiba.

"Choji. Let's have a good match," said Naruto as he made the sign that he was ready to battle. Choji didn't want to fight his friend, but Naruto's words convinced him. The battle started with Choji running at Naruto and using 'Mini Multi-Size technique' on his hand. Naruto tried to lend his punch, but was outmatched by Choji's punch power.

"Sorry, Naruto," Choji said, but the blond had smile on his face.

"You're vert strong Choji. I'm enjoying this match." Naruto went again on Choji, but this time Choji lost control over his technique and arm became heavy for him, so Naruto just jumped under Choji and made punch on his chin.

"That's enough. Naruto is the winner, now make the sign," Iruka stopped match and Naruto with Choji made the friendship sign and the battle ended.

The next one was Sasuke vs Kiba. They both stood on the match zone and Iruka started the match. Kiba and Akamaru rushed at Sasuke, but he didn't even flinch. He just dodged every their attack untill both of his opponents became tired. He then made one strong kick in the Kiba's stomach one-shotting him.

"The winner is Uchiha Sasuke," Iruka called the winner as the girls overjoyed of Sasuke's win.

"Now we can continue to the grand final of today. Uzumaki Naruto on the right and Uchiha Sasuke on the left. Begin!"

Naruto was the first one to make a move and rushed ahead to launch the first attack. Sasuke quickly reacted and dodged the first blow by rolling out the way, he then spun around and started counter-attacking. Sasuke's punch successfully hit the Naruto's cheek as the blond flew 3 metres away. Everyone thought that this was the end and Iruka was about to call the winner, as Naruto stood up. "I just tested your skills and I have to say, you're good enough." Sasuke became angry and rushed at Naruto. The blond stood and waited for an opening and when Sasuke's left side was open after throwing a punch Naruto took his chance and landed a few hard hits on his exposed side. Sasuke jumped back, as his fan-girls holder their breaths. They both knew that the last attack would decide everything and both rushed at each other. However Sasuke felt pain in his eyes and then he somehow dodged Naruto's punch and finished it with kick in Naruto's hip. Iruka already worried for this two finished the match and asked Mizuki to get Naruto to the hospital. Girls shouted in joy, because of the Sasuke's win, but suddenly he fell on the ground.

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