Secret Cat Hybrid Au

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Your new roommate has some odd quirks. It was weird enough learning to live with a male roommate, but this one just keeps doing weird things. Like drinking nearly a gallon of milk every single day. And fish! God, so much fish. He naps in front of the window where the sun hits him. He seems to hate water so much he turns down all offers to go swimming or even do more than dry the dishes. Wears beanies 24/7. You have literally never seen his hair. He's also such a night owl. He sleeps all day and then you hear him cleaning the house and stuff all night long. Luckily for him, he was too handsome and nice for you to consider kicking him out. One day you come home early and he's napping in his usual sun-kissed chair, but this time his beanie is nowhere to be found. The cat ears twitching as he dreamed suddenly made everything make sense. 

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