chapter three

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While talking to the man Y/n finally woke up from her half asleep state and the anxiety rushed to her like a wave.
"Anyway you should head home it's going to get even colder later" he said quietly
"Thank you stranger that I met in the woods for the first time" Yn said sarcastically. Sarcasm was a big part of hiding her anxiety.
"Now that I think about it it doesn't sound that good" he chuckled and Y/n started climbing down the tree "woah woman! Do you need some help climbing down" the guy with a luscious beard rushed to her and held his hand for her
"I'm sorry but the more you talk the more you sound like a creep" Y/n laughed and proceeded to jump down from the tree. The man only stood in silence before finally speaking
"Well I-I guess I'll see you around?"
"So long creepy boy" Y/n waved and walked into the complete opposite direction from her house which she realised pretty soon and turned around "my house is this way. Yeah I knew that." She mumbled to herself after speed walking back home.

Finally when she reached her house she took a second to think about her fathers work schedule. Assuming what the man said was true it was about 1pm and her father is still at work for 6 more hours. Y/n smiled at the thought of some free time for herself and went straight into the shower since walking barefoot through a forest didn't make her feet exactly clean. After a nice long shower Y/n went to her room and picked up her laptop from her shelf. After playing some video games and watching YouTube seemed to bore her Y/n was left with nothing to do Y/n started thinking of the possible things she could do but there were none. When Y/n though about watching a film a mental note she made jumped back into her head.
"Ohh the tape!" Y/n got excited at the thought of a movie she hadn't watched yet and continued to take the tape and put it in her tv. Grabbing the remote she pressed play and the static of the TV shifted to a scene in a gazebo which was located in a forest. The 'movie' confused Y/n miraculously. She just couldn't stop the feeling of deja-vu going through her but she couldn't remember any of the names of the strange people or the location itself but it seemed so familiar.  Then someone she didn't expect stepped into view.

It was her. But how could it be her? She couldn't remember anything. She didn't even remember the people she was with in the movie.  And why was she so friendly with them? All of the thinking gave her a headache and a chilling ringing only got stronger by the second until it was almost like a siren in her mind.  And until she could realise it she blacked out and at the same time the movie she was watching started glitching.

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